

An Instagram Challenge: Tips for Engaging Instagram Mindfully
6 years ago

An Instagram Challenge: Tips for Engaging Instagram Mindfully

Perhaps you, like many of my friends, have declared an Instagram hiatus, only to reactivate an account hours, days, or weeks later. Recently, I expressed my views on engaging with …
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3 Conscious Strategies for Dealing with Any Challenge
6 years ago

3 Conscious Strategies for Dealing with Any Challenge

Every day we are faced with little nuances that take us out of our joy and down into the oblivion of desperation and frustration. ´Why did this happen to me?!´, …
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Living Intentionally Creates Freedom Like You’ve Never Imagined
6 years ago

Living Intentionally Creates Freedom Like You’ve Never Imagined

At this time in history, more people are sleepwalking their way through life than ever before. There’s no denying that.

It’s easy to simply “go with the flow,” follow the …
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Never Underestimate The Power Of How You Choose
6 years ago

Never Underestimate The Power Of How You Choose

By  •  Culture, Life

Sit or stand, lie or tell the truth, agree or disagree: the fact that we have options is more important than the elements we choose from. The ability to …
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Do Yourself A Favor And Plan To Dream
6 years ago

Do Yourself A Favor And Plan To Dream

One notion that seems to be a universal truth is “what’s meant to be is meant to be.” In other words, your future and fate belong to a higher …
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Thoughts About The Importance Of Self-Love
6 years ago

Thoughts About The Importance Of Self-Love

We find ourselves in a world that has learned to look for love externally. From a young age, we yearn for the attention of our mother and father in hopes …
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The Powerful Impact Of Emotional Intelligence In Your Life
6 years ago

The Powerful Impact Of Emotional Intelligence In Your Life

Becoming physically sober can be an emotional roller coaster. You start out determined to make it through rehab, then hopeful as you progress, then angry when you fail or sad …
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Daily Affirmations For The Social Entrepreneur
7 years ago

Daily Affirmations For The Social Entrepreneur

By  •  Culture, Life

For the last five years of my life I have made it a habit to commit myself to the power of positive thinking as a tool to combat my …
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Why Self-Care Needs To Be A Priority For Social Entrepreneurs
7 years ago

Why Self-Care Needs To Be A Priority For Social Entrepreneurs

No one ever said entrepreneurship was easy.

Among other things, entrepreneurship requires a thick skin, a virtual immunity to rejection, long hours of planning, and lots of networking.

All this …
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Making The Most Of a Fresh Start
7 years ago

Making The Most Of a Fresh Start

January is my favorite month of the year as it signifies a new beginning. New possibilities and new resolutions. Of course, we can set goals at any time of the …
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Overcoming Self-doubt With These 6 Life Enriching Ideas
7 years ago

Overcoming Self-doubt With These 6 Life Enriching Ideas

After a transcontinental move back to the land of the free, I was astonished, to say the least. I had lived in Texas all my life, but a few years …
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Asking for Support—Key For Living a Healthy Life
7 years ago

Asking for Support—Key For Living a Healthy Life

We live in a society that touts the positive aspects of individualism. Work hard, pay your own way, and be proud of your individual achievements. There’s nothing wrong with that …
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Accepting My Depression: How I Learned To Be Honest With Myself
7 years ago

Accepting My Depression: How I Learned To Be Honest With Myself

Haiti is a wild place. The humidity kisses you upon your arrival. The smell of street food and diesel gas fumes fill the air. The people are boisterous and full …
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Launching Your New Idea Begins With Being Present-Focused
7 years ago

Launching Your New Idea Begins With Being Present-Focused

About three months ago I dreamt up a new business idea. Internally, I recognized its importance and alignment with my goals. I let it sit untouched on the back …
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Learning to Say NO: An Entrepreneur’s Guide to Avoiding Burnout
7 years ago

Learning to Say NO: An Entrepreneur’s Guide to Avoiding Burnout

One of the greatest misconceptions amongst entrepreneurs and small business owners first striking out on their own, always seems to be that you must say “yes” to everything and everyone. …
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How To Press On With Your Vision When People Around You Don’t Support You
7 years ago

How To Press On With Your Vision When People Around You Don’t Support You

I have always prided myself on my communication skills. A classic ENFP (anyone else love Myers-Briggs?), I am excited and can easily draw people into a vision or goal. So, …
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7 Reasons To Be Excited About Your Calling
7 years ago

7 Reasons To Be Excited About Your Calling

You get a great idea for a nonprofit or service project that you want to start—as many people do—but then, you start to talk yourself out of it.  Time, money, …
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Permission To Feel Failure
7 years ago

Permission To Feel Failure

We’re going to face failure. We’re entrepreneurs after all.

And we know we can crush it because we’ve all heard the anecdotes…

If Thomas Edison had believed in failure, we …
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Love Is Not Outrageous—It Takes A Stand Against The Outrageous
7 years ago

Love Is Not Outrageous—It Takes A Stand Against The Outrageous

It seems that terrorism has become a regular occurrence. Just this year, it was a concert in Manchester, then on London Bridge. These acts are not only extreme but …
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How We Overcome Fear When Pursuing Our Dreams
7 years ago

How We Overcome Fear When Pursuing Our Dreams

There are times when we all feel like our dreams may be a bit too big, our goals a little unattainable and our ambitions a bit out of reach. The …
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5 Personal Questions That Will Help You Discover What You’re Fully Capable Of
7 years ago

5 Personal Questions That Will Help You Discover What You’re Fully Capable Of

The path of human growth and innovation is quite simply, astonishing.  Even in the midst of survival, individuals sought meaning and found ways to improve life for their families, communities …
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How to Stop Battling With Social Media Comparison
7 years ago

How to Stop Battling With Social Media Comparison

We have all been there. Jealous of her sponsored post or coveting their seemingly perfect wedding day. Envious of his start-up’s success or that trip to Europe someone got to …
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How the GoodKarms Community App is Spreading Good Vibes on the Daily
7 years ago

How the GoodKarms Community App is Spreading Good Vibes on the Daily

When was the last time you went online and had a meaningful interaction with someone? Was that someone a stranger?

Probably not. The truth is, outside of work or school, …
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One of the Best Reasons to Unplug
7 years ago

One of the Best Reasons to Unplug

By  •  Culture, Life

Twenty years ago, my parents were in college just getting their first email addresses. Today, my elementary school brother has not one, but two email addresses to meet whatever …
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Go After Your Dream Boldly
7 years ago

Go After Your Dream Boldly

I bet when you considered starting your dream that your heart skipped a beat or you took a giant gulp in anticipation of everything that goes along with commencing …
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