
Tips / How To’s

5 Ideas to Make You Motivated for a Plastic-Free July
3 years ago

5 Ideas to Make You Motivated for a Plastic-Free July

While recycling efforts can have an impact, less than 10% of plastic produced is actually recycled. To travel upstream is to decrease the plastics we purchase, bring them into our homes, …
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Podcast: 5 Smart Tools to Simplify Your Digital Space
3 years ago

Podcast: 5 Smart Tools to Simplify Your Digital Space

We’re summer refreshing during June by digitally decluttering. Why? Too many notifications, emails, direct messages, and texts constantly popping up on our phones can distract us from having a productive …
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5 Top Tips for Refreshing your Digital Space (And Ridding Mental Clutter)
3 years ago

5 Top Tips for Refreshing your Digital Space (And Ridding Mental Clutter)

As we approach summer and a new season, it is an excellent time to take inventory in your life of what is serving you well and what isn’t- a refresh …
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As the Coronavirus Pandemic Raged, Life Changed. For Some, it was a Metamorphosis
3 years ago

As the Coronavirus Pandemic Raged, Life Changed. For Some, it was a Metamorphosis

In 2021, we ventured into this new decade that I like to call the caring twenties. Hopefully, this decade should allow us to marry the compassion of the mind and …
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Human Rights—Can We Establish the Caring Twenties?
3 years ago

Human Rights—Can We Establish the Caring Twenties?

Our contemporary rights have many critical historical antecedents, including the Cyrus Cylinder, the Magna Carta (1215), the English Bill of Rights (1689), the French Declaration on the Rights of Man …
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Got a Fantastic Idea or Product? Let’s Talk Trademarks in the Real World
4 years ago

Got a Fantastic Idea or Product? Let’s Talk Trademarks in the Real World

Alright, you’ve got a great idea or a fantastic product, and even better, you came up with a killer name – awesome! But, how do you copyright the name? You …
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Here’s Why You Never Give Up on Creating an Innovative Culture
4 years ago

Here’s Why You Never Give Up on Creating an Innovative Culture

If you are an entrepreneur, then you understand the importance of forward and creative thinking. While money is always essential in the corporate world, smart entrepreneurs know that they should …
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The Future of Sustainable Events Could be Gamification
4 years ago

The Future of Sustainable Events Could be Gamification

During intense uncertainty, we have never been more certain about the power of community to drive meaningful connections. Dan Roberts, a psychotherapist, says, “Humans are born wired for connection – it’s in …
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10 Ways to Enhance Your Life with the Art of Connection
4 years ago

10 Ways to Enhance Your Life with the Art of Connection

In the days of the COVID-19 pandemic isolation, and as we prepare to journey back to “normalcy” and safely reopen our economy, we can use these next few weeks to …
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Emotional Intelligence: What Makes Great Leaders Thrive​ During Challenging Times
4 years ago

Emotional Intelligence: What Makes Great Leaders Thrive​ During Challenging Times

“We cannot change what we are not aware of, and once we are aware, we cannot help but change.”​ A quote by Sheryl Sandberg seems even more fitting today than …
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Our “New Normal”  and the Triple Bottom Line Perspective
4 years ago

Our “New Normal” and the Triple Bottom Line Perspective

This month we watched hotels, restaurants, and other non-essential businesses close their doors and lay off staff. Business owners must now analyze how the global pandemic disrupted “business as usual” …
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5 Ways Non-Profits Can Manage Pandemic Challenges
4 years ago

5 Ways Non-Profits Can Manage Pandemic Challenges

Starting a non-profit can be exhilarating. Entrepreneurs, social creators, and non-profit founders know the amount of work behind creating and sustaining a non-profit from creating programs and projects to support …
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Leadership Starts Internally—Signs and Characteristics of a Strong Leader
4 years ago

Leadership Starts Internally—Signs and Characteristics of a Strong Leader

Like many of you, I am stuck at home wondering how I can continue to lead an organization that I co-founded while attempting to survive this new normal myself. Once …
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Strong Communication with Your Team Starts with Staying Focused on Your Mission
4 years ago

Strong Communication with Your Team Starts with Staying Focused on Your Mission

In the ’90s, during the civil war in Somalia, the term “mission creep” was first used by reporters in the United States. It is identified, in this example, as entering …
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Life Inventory—Discovering What Matters Most
5 years ago

Life Inventory—Discovering What Matters Most

Let’s face it; if we are not intentional about what our lives look like, we will end up answering to the most difficult things in our lives. While perhaps there …
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Your Dream is Worth it—Here’s What it Takes
5 years ago

Your Dream is Worth it—Here’s What it Takes

As I build my own dream of owning a clothing brand, I regularly seek the advice of those who have gone before me. Though most of the advice has proven …
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Transformational Facilitation and Transferring Power
5 years ago

Transformational Facilitation and Transferring Power

Where I live and work, in almost all of the school districts, city departments, and nonprofits, a commitment to diversity is clear from the minute I walk in the door. …
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Working Self-Employed Is Much Harder Than You Think
5 years ago

Working Self-Employed Is Much Harder Than You Think

When you have worked as a regular employee for most of your life, self-employment might feel like the ultimate breakthrough. You are your own boss, your working hours are flexible, …
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What To Do Immediately When You Get Fired
5 years ago

What To Do Immediately When You Get Fired

Finding a stable job with a decent income can be difficult for someone who just started down their career path. Getting fired from that same job position mere months after …
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Self-Care Ideas for When the Work We Love Overwhelms Us
5 years ago

Self-Care Ideas for When the Work We Love Overwhelms Us

When we find a way of contributing to this world that aligns with who we are – and when we find the courage to pursue it ­– it often feels …
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The Lack of Focus or The Lack of Hunger?
5 years ago

The Lack of Focus or The Lack of Hunger?

It’s now Spring, that awkward time where it isn’t a fresh start or the end of a year. We are 3 months into the new year and it’s time to …
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Why Social Entrepreneurs Can’t Do Small Talk
5 years ago

Why Social Entrepreneurs Can’t Do Small Talk

It’s All About Deeper Connections…We all have one: that friend who is always asking us not just how we’re doing, but—really—how are we doing? That person who not only listens …
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3 Ways To Build A Beautiful Global Movement
5 years ago

3 Ways To Build A Beautiful Global Movement

Waking up every day to a phone filled with news notifications that make your heart skip a beat in sadness, frustration, and anger is overwhelming. As much as it is …
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Powerful Meditations for Leaders
5 years ago

Powerful Meditations for Leaders

You are an inspired leader inside but how to you take that vision and turn it into action? As a kundalini yoga teacher, business owner, author and social rebel, …
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How to Shop for Good this Holiday! A Beginner’s Guide to Conscious Gifting
6 years ago

How to Shop for Good this Holiday! A Beginner’s Guide to Conscious Gifting

Curated by Melissa Wong of House of Gratia et Caritas (House of G&C Store in Los Angeles)

Shopping for the holidays might not be at the top of everyone’s to …
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