
Tips / How To’s

How To Press On With Your Vision When People Around You Don’t Support You
7 years ago

How To Press On With Your Vision When People Around You Don’t Support You

I have always prided myself on my communication skills. A classic ENFP (anyone else love Myers-Briggs?), I am excited and can easily draw people into a vision or goal. So, …
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How To Be Honest With Yourself In The Midst of Tough Work
7 years ago

How To Be Honest With Yourself In The Midst of Tough Work

Though I am embarrassed at times to admit it, it took me several years to realize that I had allowed my intense work in Haiti and the Dominican Republic to …
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​Listening: ​Your Most Important Skill As A Leader
7 years ago

​Listening: ​Your Most Important Skill As A Leader

There have been many things in my life for which I have felt prepared. Being a leader of an international staff and a US-based board team was not one of …
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Top 5 Ways Social Entrepreneurs Can Turn Networking Into Meaningful Relationships
7 years ago

Top 5 Ways Social Entrepreneurs Can Turn Networking Into Meaningful Relationships

You may already get the importance of networking and attending events or sending messages with the intention of connecting. However, networking is not about the original action, but about the …
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5 Ways To Leave Positive Footprints on Your Travels
7 years ago

5 Ways To Leave Positive Footprints on Your Travels

The old adage that travel is the only thing you can buy that makes you richer is very true. I firmly believe that travel, especially solo travel, is one of …
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The Benefit Mindset—A Leadership Investment
7 years ago

The Benefit Mindset—A Leadership Investment

In what is being called a global movement, a growing community of like-minded organizations are using business as a force for good. Globally, there are now 1700 B-Corporations who are using …
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How To Deal With Negative Feedback
7 years ago

How To Deal With Negative Feedback

We’re big encouragers at DesignGood. We love cheering people on as they follow their passions, start their dream businesses and go big.

To do all of that, …
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3 Important Tips for Building a Strong Donor Connection
7 years ago

3 Important Tips for Building a Strong Donor Connection

Knowing your donors and how to engage with them is the key to planning a successful fundraising event. Whether it’s a traditionally seated gala or a casino night for your …
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6 Ways to Apply Design Thinking to a World in Need
7 years ago

6 Ways to Apply Design Thinking to a World in Need

Anchal believes that design can change lives. We embrace design thinking to create innovative and strategic solutions that address the exploitation of women through employment opportunities, products, and markets that …
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7 Simple Steps to Start a Life of Volunteerism
7 years ago

7 Simple Steps to Start a Life of Volunteerism

You know you want to volunteer. You have for some time. The last time you volunteered, you cleaned the beach with your coworkers, but it just didn’t light a fire …
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Go After Your Dream Boldly
7 years ago

Go After Your Dream Boldly

I bet when you considered starting your dream that your heart skipped a beat or you took a giant gulp in anticipation of everything that goes along with commencing …
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Leadership Lessons From Kenya
7 years ago

Leadership Lessons From Kenya

A few weeks ago I was asked to speak to a group of first-year students at Georgia Tech about leadership. I wanted the talk to resonate with them, but as …
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An App That Connects You With Inspiring People
7 years ago

An App That Connects You With Inspiring People

The world is full of inspiring people, but there are two main obstacles to adding these people to your network: (1) How or where do you find them? (2) After …
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8 Socially Conscious Accelerators For Your Startup
7 years ago

8 Socially Conscious Accelerators For Your Startup

Your idea is solid. You may already have a website, product or service, customers or even revenue. You’re still in the startup phase, and you’re ready for the next step.

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How to Gain Momentum for Your Vision – The Power of Friends
7 years ago

How to Gain Momentum for Your Vision – The Power of Friends

Remember when you were a kid and your parents were very concerned with who you were hanging out with? They were on to something that we seem to lose track …
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How to Create in a World That Is Obsessed With Consuming
7 years ago

How to Create in a World That Is Obsessed With Consuming

Our world today is centered around consumption, as a society we voraciously consume television, sugar and material goods, to name a few. Despite the digesting of all these …
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Diversity Isn’t a Number—It’s a Culture
7 years ago

Diversity Isn’t a Number—It’s a Culture

Occupational environments should be dynamic, hospitable and engaging since the workforce comprises the operational core of any company and is critical for its success. Contrary to popular belief or what …
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Legal Minute: 3 Annual Requirements Every Nonprofit Should Know
7 years ago

Legal Minute: 3 Annual Requirements Every Nonprofit Should Know

Congratulations, you’ve received 501(c)(3) status, so now what!? Read this article to learn about your yearly obligations as a nonprofit organization at the federal (IRS), state, and board governance levels.

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5 Podcasts Every Changemaker Should Listen To
8 years ago

5 Podcasts Every Changemaker Should Listen To

So you want to be a changemaker? Well, you’re on the right website. One of the most important traits of being a successful changemaker is being a conscious one. If …
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Legal Minute: Here’s What You Need To Know When Naming Your Business
8 years ago

Legal Minute: Here’s What You Need To Know When Naming Your Business

The name of your business is one of the most important decisions you will make as a business owner— after all, it is the foundation of your brand. Read this …
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Live To The Fullest—5 Things To Do In Your Twenties (Or At Any Age)
8 years ago

Live To The Fullest—5 Things To Do In Your Twenties (Or At Any Age)

Your twenties are for discovering yourself for maybe the first time. We are thrust into a post-grad world of internships, jobs, paying back student loans or maybe even unemployment. We …
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8 Pieces Of Advice From A Successful Entrepreneur
8 years ago

8 Pieces Of Advice From A Successful Entrepreneur

Chicago Ideas week is an innovative festival designed to gather minds from around the city for one common goal: sharing ideas. This festival is 7 full days of labs, talks …
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How Millennials Have Changed the Fundraising Game (and How Nonprofits Can Keep Them Engaged)
8 years ago

How Millennials Have Changed the Fundraising Game (and How Nonprofits Can Keep Them Engaged)

The millions of young adults who make up the Millennial generation – the men and women born between the ‘80s and early’ ‘00s – are making their presence felt across …
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Falling In Love With The Process, Not The Results
8 years ago

Falling In Love With The Process, Not The Results

In the driven and ambitious society that we live in, everything we do seems to be measured by the instant results. No longer, are the days when we were taught …
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Legal Minute: Talking All Things Copyright Protection
8 years ago

Legal Minute: Talking All Things Copyright Protection

Copyrights…you’ve heard it before. You’ve probably even seen that mysterious © symbol countless times. But what is Copyright law and why should you care? Let us briefly take you through …
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