

Video: Conscious x Kinetic Training Introduce the Wellness Travel Edition
3 years ago

Video: Conscious x Kinetic Training Introduce the Wellness Travel Edition

Travel is coming back (awesome!), and perhaps you’re ready for those awaited long-distance trips. Whether traveling by car, plane, or train, keeping a Daily Movement Library is essential. We …
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Winning On Two Fronts – Health And Economy
4 years ago

Winning On Two Fronts – Health And Economy

In the battle with COVID-19, we all feel a tension between our concerns for Public Health and our concerns for the Economy. We can’t afford to have this battle on two fronts …
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George Floyd Protests: This was the Example. Leaders Facing Leaders and Coming Together in Peace
4 years ago

George Floyd Protests: This was the Example. Leaders Facing Leaders and Coming Together in Peace

Blessed are the peacemakers. What we’ve seen erupting across U.S. Cities, we can acknowledge that we need an anchor of peace, restoration and unity. We need heart, wisdom, leadership, and justice.

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Purposity—Connecting You to Real-Time and Urgent Needs in Your Community
4 years ago

Purposity—Connecting You to Real-Time and Urgent Needs in Your Community

One day it seemed okay, the next day, everything changed. The rapid shift in culture, due to the coronavirus pandemic, called for an even faster call to pause. However, needs …
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Bringing You Positivity and Encouragement During COVID-19
4 years ago

Bringing You Positivity and Encouragement During COVID-19

Hello, Conscious Community. How are you feeling? There has been an overwhelming amount of heightened stress and fear surrounding COVID-19, which is why we’re checking to see how you’re feeling. …
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Woman Vs. Women: How Generational Divides Stand To Hinder Our March & #MeToo Progress
7 years ago

Woman Vs. Women: How Generational Divides Stand To Hinder Our March & #MeToo Progress

We’re in a very precarious time where blatant disregard and overt degradation towards women are being called to the carpet. A time where a spotlight is being shown on how …
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Why #MeToo Matters
7 years ago

Why #MeToo Matters

Over the last few days, women and men have flooded social media with the #MeToo hashtag, telling stories of their experiences of sexual harassment and assault. After news of Harry …
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It’s Time To Vote—What You Need To Know About Your Options
8 years ago

It’s Time To Vote—What You Need To Know About Your Options

In about a week, people will be casting their votes for the next President of the United States of America… or maybe not.  Maybe some reading this are not satisfied …
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Changing The Way We Visualize The Syrian Refugee Crisis
8 years ago

Changing The Way We Visualize The Syrian Refugee Crisis

There are over 4 million refugees (and counting) who have left ‪Syria since the beginning of the war. For many of us, the only context we get to understand the …
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Protests for Nepal To Stop A Humanitarian Crisis
9 years ago

Protests for Nepal To Stop A Humanitarian Crisis

The Nepalese community in England united last week in protest of the unofficial, yet ongoing, blockade between Nepal and India. The demonstration coincided with a visit from Indian Prime Minister …
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Mandela: A Symbol of Passion, Service and Strength
9 years ago

Mandela: A Symbol of Passion, Service and Strength

 “When a man has done what he considers to be his duty to his people and his country, he can rest in peace. I believe I have made that effort …
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Conscious World: Mobile Health, Malala Urges Leaders To Spend More on Education, And More
9 years ago

Conscious World: Mobile Health, Malala Urges Leaders To Spend More on Education, And More

Conscious World: What’s happening in our world right now is a new feature on with a roundup of stories based on topics from global headlines, social good, innovation, science to what’s …
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Conscious World: What’s Happening From The World Health Assembly To Peanut Butter Combating World Hunger
9 years ago

Conscious World: What’s Happening From The World Health Assembly To Peanut Butter Combating World Hunger

Conscious World: What’s happening in our world right now is a new feature on with a roundup of stories based on topics from global headlines, social good, innovation, science to what’s …
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Conscious World: What’s happening From The UN’s Global Goals to Printing Braille on Coca-Cola Cans
9 years ago

Conscious World: What’s happening From The UN’s Global Goals to Printing Braille on Coca-Cola Cans

Before you dive in… Conscious World: What’s happening in our world right now is a new feature on with a round up stories based on topics from global headlines, social good, …
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The Trafficking Victims Protection and Justice Act in America
9 years ago

The Trafficking Victims Protection and Justice Act in America

It’s hard to believe how prevalent sex trafficking is in America. The real perpetrators are nearly impossible to trace because of the nature of the industry. Verbal threats and untraceable …
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What The Brian Williams Controversy Reveals About Us
9 years ago

What The Brian Williams Controversy Reveals About Us

When people exaggerate or manipulate the truth, it’s because they want something. It might be ratings, approval, or personal gain. This has been an especially hot topic lately in light …
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10 years ago


As if feminism itself is not already (somehow) a controversial issue, creating “This is What a Feminist Looks Like” T-shirts (collaboration between ELLE Uk and The Fawcett Society) is not …
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Emma Watson’s He For She UN Speech On Gender Inequality
10 years ago

Emma Watson’s He For She UN Speech On Gender Inequality

Emma Watson giving UN Speech twit pic | @VanityFair

Emma Watson has changed the conversation about feminism during her recent UN speech to launch the HeForShe campaign. …
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With the one year anniversary of Superstorm Sandy, you may be wondering how the disaster recovery process is going for those who were directly impacted.  Fortunately, some people were …
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Conscious Thanks Our Military
11 years ago

Conscious Thanks Our Military

“Even though Memorial Day is a day to recognize and remember those who have so bravely fought and died while serving our country, I always use it as a …
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