
About Lindsay Ayers

Lindsay is a 2nd year law student in Chicago, Illinois. She is passionate about using her developing legal skills to empower those living below the poverty line. She received a degree in public health from a Liberal arts school in Georgia. Lindsay aspires to bring to hope to the hopeless, change to those in need and fight for those who need an advocate.
Latest Posts | By Lindsay Ayers
Why #MeToo Matters
7 years ago

Why #MeToo Matters

Over the last few days, women and men have flooded social media with the #MeToo hashtag, telling stories of their experiences of sexual harassment and assault. After news of Harry …
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State Bags Launches #WhatDoWeTellTheKids Initiative and Day of Generosity in Chicago
7 years ago

State Bags Launches #WhatDoWeTellTheKids Initiative and Day of Generosity in Chicago

A story where the answer is in the investment. 

“What do we tell the kids?”, a question the State Bags Co-Founders, Scot and Jacqueline Tatelman, asked themselves when only …
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How to Stop Battling With Social Media Comparison
7 years ago

How to Stop Battling With Social Media Comparison

We have all been there. Jealous of her sponsored post or coveting their seemingly perfect wedding day. Envious of his start-up’s success or that trip to Europe someone got to …
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Live To The Fullest—5 Things To Do In Your Twenties (Or At Any Age)
8 years ago

Live To The Fullest—5 Things To Do In Your Twenties (Or At Any Age)

Your twenties are for discovering yourself for maybe the first time. We are thrust into a post-grad world of internships, jobs, paying back student loans or maybe even unemployment. We …
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8 Pieces Of Advice From A Successful Entrepreneur
8 years ago

8 Pieces Of Advice From A Successful Entrepreneur

Chicago Ideas week is an innovative festival designed to gather minds from around the city for one common goal: sharing ideas. This festival is 7 full days of labs, talks …
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3 Tips For Thriving When Faced With New Opportunities
8 years ago

3 Tips For Thriving When Faced With New Opportunities

We often find ourselves in new territory whether we wound up there or took a leap of faith to start. We are faced with new opportunities that stretch us beyond …
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