

Non-Profit Organizations Supporting the Well-being of the Fatherless on Father’s Day
3 years ago

Non-Profit Organizations Supporting the Well-being of the Fatherless on Father’s Day

As we prepare to celebrate Father’s Day, sadly, fatherless is America’s top domestic problem. For some, this is a day that many children—young and old, grieve the loss of absent …
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Voices to Amplify for Juneteenth
3 years ago

Voices to Amplify for Juneteenth

Juneteenth is the oldest nationally celebrated commemoration of the ending of slavery in the United States ( This commemoration goes back to 1865, on June 19th, when Union soldiers led …
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Podcast: The Corporate Social Responsibility Initiative
3 years ago

Podcast: The Corporate Social Responsibility Initiative

In this episode from Conscious Conversations titled “The Corporate Social Responsibility Initiative,” Nora Gherbi, Founder of Who Cares!? Chronicles joins Priyanka Jaisinghani, Managing Director of Conscious Magazine for a discussion on …
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London’s Voices—Brilliance Beyond Brexit
3 years ago

London’s Voices—Brilliance Beyond Brexit

Life after Brexit has officially started. We did not anticipate that the historical exit would be met with a global pandemic. And Covid 19 does not have any notions of …
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Resources: Forward Momentum—Taking Big Steps Towards Global Recovery
3 years ago

Resources: Forward Momentum—Taking Big Steps Towards Global Recovery

Created by the team behind Who Cares Chronicles, a platform that provides insights into Corporate Social Responsibility, the Forward Momentum report is designed to spawn a rich conversation while …
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Breast Cancer Awareness—The Facts, Early Detection, and Support
4 years ago

Breast Cancer Awareness—The Facts, Early Detection, and Support

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month—it’s important to educate women on what they can do to be proactive with their breast health as knowledge and early detection saves lives

In …
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The Future of Sustainable Travel: Post Pandemic
4 years ago

The Future of Sustainable Travel: Post Pandemic

Since the beginning of 2020, we have experienced wildfires across Australia, and widespread flooding across the United Kingdom, China, and India. Within the United States, we’re experiencing the second-worst drought …
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How Haitian Leaders Respond to the COVID-19 Crisis
4 years ago

How Haitian Leaders Respond to the COVID-19 Crisis

We are just learning how COVID-19 is impacting communities in the global south. There have been problematic projections for nations like Haiti without access to as many hospitals or materials. …
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The Future of Sustainable Events Could be Gamification
4 years ago

The Future of Sustainable Events Could be Gamification

During intense uncertainty, we have never been more certain about the power of community to drive meaningful connections. Dan Roberts, a psychotherapist, says, “Humans are born wired for connection – it’s in …
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How a Social Enterprise Fights Poverty through Smart Farming
4 years ago

How a Social Enterprise Fights Poverty through Smart Farming

Social entrepreneur Stephen Ekoom’s interest lies in the intersection of agriculture, community development, and business. His zest for life and infectious enthusiasm shines through as he speaks excitedly about the …
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The Power of Community: Supporting Each Other to Combat Loneliness and Isolation
4 years ago

The Power of Community: Supporting Each Other to Combat Loneliness and Isolation

Across the globe, headlines focused on the COVID-19 pandemic dominate news headlines and have shown how difficult this situation has been for many of us. These next few weeks will …
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5 Ways Non-Profits Can Manage Pandemic Challenges
4 years ago

5 Ways Non-Profits Can Manage Pandemic Challenges

Starting a non-profit can be exhilarating. Entrepreneurs, social creators, and non-profit founders know the amount of work behind creating and sustaining a non-profit from creating programs and projects to support …
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5 Indigenous-Led Conservation Organizations to Explore
4 years ago

5 Indigenous-Led Conservation Organizations to Explore

Indigenous wisdom is not optional, it is integral to sustainable change. If we are to work together as a global community to accomplish anything, whether economic development, conservation, health promotion, …
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Decolonizing Our Concept of Conservation for Earth Day 2020
4 years ago

Decolonizing Our Concept of Conservation for Earth Day 2020

Today we observe the 50th annual Earth Day. Initiated in 1970, Earth Day exists to “drive transformative change for people and planet”. Inspired by the college based anti-war protests in …
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Environmental Intelligence: Seeking Grounds While Reaching New Heights
4 years ago

Environmental Intelligence: Seeking Grounds While Reaching New Heights

The final months of 2019 will be remembered as a moment of reckoning to the imminent threat posed by global warming. Young climate activists around the world entered the political …
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Keeping Perspective During a Global Pandemic
4 years ago

Keeping Perspective During a Global Pandemic

We are witnesses to something much greater than we could have ever anticipated—the global pandemic of COVID-19. While fear levels rise, there is also a profound sense of peace waiting …
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Crisis Text Line Providing Support for Healthcare Professionals and Essential Workers
4 years ago

Crisis Text Line Providing Support for Healthcare Professionals and Essential Workers

During our COVID-19 pandemic world crisis, our health care professionals are getting the job done by providing and protecting people at their very worse while risking their own health. And …
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The 2019 Social Good Summit—3 Big Ideas to Take Us Forward 
5 years ago

The 2019 Social Good Summit—3 Big Ideas to Take Us Forward 

“Our impact is unimaginably amplified when we work together.” —Asha Curran, CEO of Giving Tuesday  

The 2019 Social Good Summit (presented by 92Y, Mashable, the United Nations Foundation, and the …
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Veganism—Why It’s Becoming A Movement of Our Time
5 years ago

Veganism—Why It’s Becoming A Movement of Our Time

Every century has its own movement or movements. These uprisings are signposts that connote humanity’s shift towards being more compassionate and evolved. The abolitionist movement, the civil rights movement, feminism, …
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Earth Day—Educating Ourselves through Lessons in History and Current Events
5 years ago

Earth Day—Educating Ourselves through Lessons in History and Current Events

As Earth Day approaches us, I can just see the flood of Google searches of “what to do on Earth Day” and the influx of articles telling you 5 small …
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Becoming Conscious: We Can’t Change Everything, But We Can Change a Lot of Little Somethings
5 years ago

Becoming Conscious: We Can’t Change Everything, But We Can Change a Lot of Little Somethings

I didn’t see who slipped in behind me until the elevator doors had closed.

My senses took in the scene faster than my brain could process. A case of …
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CONSCIOUS x WHO THEY ARE | The Impact of Air Travel Tourism on Modern Day Slavery
5 years ago

CONSCIOUS x WHO THEY ARE | The Impact of Air Travel Tourism on Modern Day Slavery

This article is presented by Who They Are, a collaborative Media Partner of Conscious Magazine. Please visit for more Freedom Fighter stories.

While one may experience the …
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11 Organizations Creating a World Without Human Trafficking Presented by Who They Are
6 years ago

11 Organizations Creating a World Without Human Trafficking Presented by Who They Are

January is the official month for Human Trafficking Awareness. In 2019, we have the tools to gain knowledge within seconds. With passenger self-driven cars, taking flight over oceans, practically living …
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The Impact of the Water Crisis on Families Around the World
6 years ago

The Impact of the Water Crisis on Families Around the World

Around the world, people have found new life because of clean water. Access to abundances of clean water is an issue many people deal with every day. According to the …
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Signs Of Domestic Violence And How To Help
6 years ago

Signs Of Domestic Violence And How To Help

On a typical day, there are more than 20,000 phone calls placed to domestic violence hotlines nationwide. (National Coalition Against Domestic Abuse).

According to The Joyful Heart Foundation, a domestic violence …
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