

Emotional Intelligence: What Makes Great Leaders Thrive​ During Challenging Times
4 years ago

Emotional Intelligence: What Makes Great Leaders Thrive​ During Challenging Times

“We cannot change what we are not aware of, and once we are aware, we cannot help but change.”​ A quote by Sheryl Sandberg seems even more fitting today than …
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Our “New Normal”  and the Triple Bottom Line Perspective
4 years ago

Our “New Normal” and the Triple Bottom Line Perspective

This month we watched hotels, restaurants, and other non-essential businesses close their doors and lay off staff. Business owners must now analyze how the global pandemic disrupted “business as usual” …
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Transformational Facilitation and Transferring Power
5 years ago

Transformational Facilitation and Transferring Power

Where I live and work, in almost all of the school districts, city departments, and nonprofits, a commitment to diversity is clear from the minute I walk in the door. …
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5 Best Reads for the Social Entrepreneur to Reset this Summer
5 years ago

5 Best Reads for the Social Entrepreneur to Reset this Summer

For social entrepreneurs, it often seems that the work never ends. In the midst of continually striving towards new goals, building on ideas, and creating something purposeful, breaks are difficult …
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The Key Isn’t Empty Reward But Thoughtful Encouragement
5 years ago

The Key Isn’t Empty Reward But Thoughtful Encouragement

A lot of commentary about the educational system in America will focus on effort-based reward systems, which is a partial vestige of the highly controversial and derided “No Child Left …
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Powerful Meditations for Leaders
5 years ago

Powerful Meditations for Leaders

You are an inspired leader inside but how to you take that vision and turn it into action? As a kundalini yoga teacher, business owner, author and social rebel, …
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How to Combat Eating Disorders and Promote Body Positivity
5 years ago

How to Combat Eating Disorders and Promote Body Positivity

Body positivity has become a sort of social media buzzword across different platforms. On Instagram, the phrase permeates hashtags. On Twitter, they’re retweeted. Facebook groups and friends promote the …
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Social Edupreneurs in the Business Classroom can Produce Powerful Results
6 years ago

Social Edupreneurs in the Business Classroom can Produce Powerful Results

Business education has come under fire from different angles in recent years, leading some even to question whether B-Schools should not wholly be overhauled. The criticism comprises a wide scale …
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We’ve All Been Deeply Influenced by Reading—Now Let’s Celebrate National Book Month
6 years ago

We’ve All Been Deeply Influenced by Reading—Now Let’s Celebrate National Book Month

Every October, the literary world indulges in a celebration of the works we possess. National Book Month is a time to remember those volumes shelved for later, that January resolution …
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5 Women-Led Podcasts You Need to Know About
6 years ago

5 Women-Led Podcasts You Need to Know About

Podcasts are an easy way to listen and learn as we go about doing our daily routines. As they have grown more and more popular in our culture, the choice …
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Children’s Literature Promoting Global Citizenship
8 years ago

Children’s Literature Promoting Global Citizenship

The world’s future depends on our children’s ability to approach cultural differences with openness and curiosity, and to appreciate and embrace the beauty and intrigue of “otherness.” -Jaimie Scanlon, …
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Teachers Are A Gift To Society As They Pass On Knowledge
9 years ago

Teachers Are A Gift To Society As They Pass On Knowledge

“It’s a very ancient saying, but a true and honest thought that if you become a teacher, by your pupils you’ll be taught” – The King & I (1956)

We’ve …
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Education is Changing, But Is It Fast Enough? Time To Foster Critical Thinking
9 years ago

Education is Changing, But Is It Fast Enough? Time To Foster Critical Thinking

Tutoring high school students after I took a break from college changed everything for me. I gained a lot of perspective from teaching students who were excited about being there–as excited …
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Creating Hope for a New Future: Educating Cambodia’s Poorest Children
9 years ago

Creating Hope for a New Future: Educating Cambodia’s Poorest Children

Along the Tonle Sap River in Cambodia lies the rural fishing village of Prek Pneu where small, wooden boats drape the channel in a wave of colorful hues. Bamboo poles …
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The Power of Working with Boys and Girls, Together
9 years ago

The Power of Working with Boys and Girls, Together

The international development community is very focused on women and girls these days. And rightly so. Around the world, girls have been neglected and discriminated against, abused and worse for …
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Why International Literacy Day Is Important
9 years ago

Why International Literacy Day Is Important

If you find yourself perusing the Conscious Magazine website, or any modern day media publication at that, it is more than likely you grew up with a surplus of reading …
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Top 5 Colleges For Social Entrepreneurial Careers
9 years ago

Top 5 Colleges For Social Entrepreneurial Careers

Do you want to be a social entrepreneur? As an agent of change, there are some additional skills you may want to master at either the undergraduate or graduate level …
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Why Gender Equality Is A Conversation For Every Classroom
9 years ago

Why Gender Equality Is A Conversation For Every Classroom

According to UNESCO’s Institute for Statistics estimation in 2012, while there are 62 million girls out of school around the world, there are still also 59 million boys out of …
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Will Technology Replace Our Teachers?
9 years ago

Will Technology Replace Our Teachers?

The rapid decline of technology costs and the strong push for it to be included in the modern classroom has rekindled a decades-old debate: Will technology replace teachers?

At Impact …
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Think Global And Act Local. 4 Reasons to Hire Locally
10 years ago

Think Global And Act Local. 4 Reasons to Hire Locally

Impact Network has been working with rural schools in Zambia for over five years. We take care of everything that a school needs to operate – providing school supplies, hiring …
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Active Learning for a Global Education
10 years ago

Active Learning for a Global Education

In 2009, Impact Network began building schools in rural Zambia to bring educational access to out-of-school children. By 2011, we had built 5 schools that we handed …
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Education Doesn’t Only Happen in the Classroom
10 years ago

Education Doesn’t Only Happen in the Classroom

Editor’s Note: Read the Elephant Branded feature here to learn about their mission to support Education in Africa and Asia. 

In my last article, I mentioned the importance of education …
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The Need for Quality Education as the Means of Protection and Prevention in Cambodia
10 years ago

The Need for Quality Education as the Means of Protection and Prevention in Cambodia

After the devastation of the Khmer Rouge in the 70’s followed by 13 years of civil war, Cambodia was left with ransacked schools, little resources, and a handful of qualified …
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Impact Network is Reinventing Education in Rural Africa
10 years ago

Impact Network is Reinventing Education in Rural Africa

Story Highlights

Interview with Reshma Patel, Executive Director at Impact Network – From Volunteer to Executive Director

Discover the culture, people, and community in …
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Lack of School Equipment For Children. If We Make a Change – They Get a Chance
10 years ago

Lack of School Equipment For Children. If We Make a Change – They Get a Chance

Editor’s Note: Read the Elephant Branded feature here to learn about their mission to support Education in Africa and Asia. 

Before you spend some time on this …
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