
About Tim Mendelssohn | Elephant Branded

Tim is Co-Director of Elephant Branded. He has worked in different industries and helped create Elephant Branded when it started in Bath when he was at University. Tim is currently based in London and has spent time working and living in both Paris and Madrid. He is passionate about the power of education and the role is has on creating opportunities for young people. He believes that business has a massive role to play and hopes that Elephant Branded demonstrates some of the small steps we can take to making a difference. Outside of work, he enjoys a good book (especially if it also involves a beach) and loves to combine traveling and eating.
Latest Posts | By Tim Mendelssohn | Elephant Branded
Exciting Is The Other Side of Scary
9 years ago

Exciting Is The Other Side of Scary

We are continually told that the world is a scary place and in many ways it is. A quick flick through any paper shows that. We are told not to …
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Ideas Do Lead To Possibilities
10 years ago

Ideas Do Lead To Possibilities

Without ideas (and a bit of initial intent), change wouldn’t happen. What is new would become old. Imagine if someone did not have the idea that change was needed …
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We Can All Start a New Type of Christmas Consumerism
10 years ago

We Can All Start a New Type of Christmas Consumerism

In my last posts, I discussed the importance of two types of education. One involving blackboards, essays and homework and one involving life’s tasks, jobs and social …
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Education Doesn’t Only Happen in the Classroom
10 years ago

Education Doesn’t Only Happen in the Classroom

Editor’s Note: Read the Elephant Branded feature here to learn about their mission to support Education in Africa and Asia. 

In my last article, I mentioned the importance of education …
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Lack of School Equipment For Children. If We Make a Change – They Get a Chance
10 years ago

Lack of School Equipment For Children. If We Make a Change – They Get a Chance

Editor’s Note: Read the Elephant Branded feature here to learn about their mission to support Education in Africa and Asia. 

Before you spend some time on this …
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