
Health + Awareness

Podcast: Tap into Your Everyday Power and Create the Future
3 years ago

Podcast: Tap into Your Everyday Power and Create the Future

Your job is to be healthy—everything else is secondary.

In this episode of Conscious Conversations, our guest is Maria Caso, Life Coach and Leadership Advisor, and our host is Priyanka …
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5 Minutes on a Monday Presented by Sunset Hour
3 years ago

5 Minutes on a Monday Presented by Sunset Hour

New week ahead means new adventures!

But, it is Monday and perhaps you’re feeling rushed, overwhelmed, tired from the weekend, and maybe even experiencing shortness of breath. Also, a lot …
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5 Easy Tips to Achieve Mindful Productivity
3 years ago

5 Easy Tips to Achieve Mindful Productivity

Whether you’re working from home, running your own business, or aiming to be more productive around the house, mindfulness is the key to achieving productivity on a whole new scale. 

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Video: Conscious x Kinetic Training Introduce Your Digital Movement Library
3 years ago

Video: Conscious x Kinetic Training Introduce Your Digital Movement Library

 During the pandemic and after, Dan Palacios, Founder of Kinetic Training advocated for moving at least once per day, and now he’s here to show you 10 stretching techniques …
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Why Refreshing Your Physical Space is Worth Your Attention (Tips Inside)
3 years ago

Why Refreshing Your Physical Space is Worth Your Attention (Tips Inside)

There is something therapeutic, calming, and satisfying about cleaning and tidying a space, whether it’s a closet, the sink full of dishes, or stacks of papers getting organized into file …
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5 Top Tips for Refreshing your Digital Space (And Ridding Mental Clutter)
3 years ago

5 Top Tips for Refreshing your Digital Space (And Ridding Mental Clutter)

As we approach summer and a new season, it is an excellent time to take inventory in your life of what is serving you well and what isn’t- a refresh …
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COVID Anniversary and a Year of Transformation
3 years ago

COVID Anniversary and a Year of Transformation

March 14 marked the one-year anniversary that my daughter Havana and I went into COVID lockdown, and a little over a year since COVID-19 officially became a pandemic.

What a …
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Podcast: Combating Mental Health Issues During a Pandemic Year
3 years ago

Podcast: Combating Mental Health Issues During a Pandemic Year

In this episode titled “Combating Mental Health Issues During a Pandemic Year” of Conscious Conversations, we talk with Dan Palacios on ways to combat mental health through movement. With the …
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How to Transform Resistance into Self Mastery
4 years ago

How to Transform Resistance into Self Mastery

I am not a morning person. I love to slowly wake up and lounge about in the warm covers of my bed. Maybe I do some writing or drink some …
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Reflective Moments: Rethinking How We Approach Innovation
4 years ago

Reflective Moments: Rethinking How We Approach Innovation

I had just finished a birthday’ sunrise meditation’ in Laguna Beach, California. Laguna Beach, California, at sunrise on an early January morning is just as you can imagine: It is …
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Winning On Two Fronts – Health And Economy
4 years ago

Winning On Two Fronts – Health And Economy

In the battle with COVID-19, we all feel a tension between our concerns for Public Health and our concerns for the Economy. We can’t afford to have this battle on two fronts …
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It begins with a shift. A mindset shift.
4 years ago

It begins with a shift. A mindset shift.

It begins with a shift. A mindset shift.

What a year it’s been. The seemingly endless challenge, yet tremendous personal growth and transformation. Me? I spent four months quarantined in …
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The Human Experience and COVID
4 years ago

The Human Experience and COVID

“It had the effect of a spell, taking her out of the ordinary relations with humanity, and inclosing her in a sphere by herself.” -Scarlett Letter

My son and husband …
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5 Ways to Stop Avoiding Painful Feelings
4 years ago

5 Ways to Stop Avoiding Painful Feelings

Let’s start with why we run away from painful feelings. It’s because they hurt! The last thing we need, especially with a busy lifestyle, is to interrupt our day with …
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Breast Cancer Awareness—The Facts, Early Detection, and Support
4 years ago

Breast Cancer Awareness—The Facts, Early Detection, and Support

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month—it’s important to educate women on what they can do to be proactive with their breast health as knowledge and early detection saves lives

In …
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Conscious x Kinetic Training Present Mobilization (Video)
4 years ago

Conscious x Kinetic Training Present Mobilization (Video)

Performance Coach, Dan Palacios, talks on instrument assisted tissue mobilization. One of the common misconceptions about these types of modalities is mashing the muscles and breaking down the knots. …
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The Crucibles of Life and the Opportunities for Golden Reinvention
4 years ago

The Crucibles of Life and the Opportunities for Golden Reinvention

A crucible is, by definition, a transformative experience through which an individual comes to a new sense of identity. I now realize a crucible is what I experienced in …
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The Certainty of Uncertainty
4 years ago

The Certainty of Uncertainty

This year, who hasn’t been touched by uncertainty? As I contemplate the last few months, inside the solitude of my apartment, it becomes evident to me that the one thing you …
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5 Tips for Becoming Highly Focused
4 years ago

5 Tips for Becoming Highly Focused

Our minds are our greatest strength unleashing the power to focus and achieve. But most of us don’t apply our untapped potential because we lack focus. 

Whether we’re navigating life …
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5 Tips for Reclaiming Your Calm
4 years ago

5 Tips for Reclaiming Your Calm

Summer is here and what better way to reset then to reclaim your calm. We’ve all been witness to the many stresses and upsets these past few months. Instead of …
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Conscious x Kinetic Training Present Movement Drills
4 years ago

Conscious x Kinetic Training Present Movement Drills

Objectify Your Pain! Try these simple, practical self-massage and movement techniques to relieve overall systemic stress and perform as your best self!

There is a reason facials feel so …
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Why “Love Conquers All” Isn’t an Airy Quote Reserved for Dreamers and the Religious
4 years ago

Why “Love Conquers All” Isn’t an Airy Quote Reserved for Dreamers and the Religious

How Virgil’s words are ever-relevant in a world coping with the murder of George Floyd and mass killings globally.

The saying that ‘love conquers all’ might be known as a …
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Top 3 Podcasts for Wellness, Growth, and Change
4 years ago

Top 3 Podcasts for Wellness, Growth, and Change

The last few months have been a pulse check for prioritizing health and wellness. As the world experiences crisis after crisis, we are collectively losing the mindset and motivation to …
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10 Ways to Enhance Your Life with the Art of Connection
4 years ago

10 Ways to Enhance Your Life with the Art of Connection

In the days of the COVID-19 pandemic isolation, and as we prepare to journey back to “normalcy” and safely reopen our economy, we can use these next few weeks to …
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Emotional Intelligence: What Makes Great Leaders Thrive​ During Challenging Times
4 years ago

Emotional Intelligence: What Makes Great Leaders Thrive​ During Challenging Times

“We cannot change what we are not aware of, and once we are aware, we cannot help but change.”​ A quote by Sheryl Sandberg seems even more fitting today than …
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