
Health + Awareness

The Inconvenient Truth About Climate Change
7 years ago

The Inconvenient Truth About Climate Change

One of the most important and urgent topics currently talked about is a climate change. However, most people are still unaware of which human action is the most detrimental to …
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Messages From The Playground: How To Prevent Bullying
7 years ago

Messages From The Playground: How To Prevent Bullying

“Uncle Chris, is she your girlfriend?” Suddenly I felt like I did before I was out of the closet. How is it that I, who have been out of the …
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7 Ways to Create and Enjoy a Conscious Summer
7 years ago

7 Ways to Create and Enjoy a Conscious Summer

Ahhh summer. For many of us, this means longer days, trips to the beach, and loads of sunshine. Even though I live in Southern California, where one might argue summer …
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How to Stop Battling With Social Media Comparison
7 years ago

How to Stop Battling With Social Media Comparison

We have all been there. Jealous of her sponsored post or coveting their seemingly perfect wedding day. Envious of his start-up’s success or that trip to Europe someone got to …
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Being Stuck Isn’t Your Fate—3 Ways To Overcoming It
7 years ago

Being Stuck Isn’t Your Fate—3 Ways To Overcoming It

Why am I stuck? Many ask themselves this same common question day in and day out. Whether it is a job, you don’t like, or a relationship that has become …
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How the GoodKarms Community App is Spreading Good Vibes on the Daily
7 years ago

How the GoodKarms Community App is Spreading Good Vibes on the Daily

When was the last time you went online and had a meaningful interaction with someone? Was that someone a stranger?

Probably not. The truth is, outside of work or school, …
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Zero Waste Kitchen: 5 Easy Ways to Decrease Your Food Waste
7 years ago

Zero Waste Kitchen: 5 Easy Ways to Decrease Your Food Waste

Zero Waste is gaining momentum. If you aren’t familiar, this movement encourages conscious consumption and waste reduction.

Modern civilization produces a lot of waste. It’s a global concern. As a …
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Conscious Consumerism Leads to Water Conservation
7 years ago

Conscious Consumerism Leads to Water Conservation

In honor of World Water Day, recognized annually on March 22, and its 2017 theme of “Wastewater,” it is fitting to talk about one of the largest polluters of water …
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Stories of Women, Hair Loss and Changing Lives with 3D Printing Technology
7 years ago

Stories of Women, Hair Loss and Changing Lives with 3D Printing Technology

For many individuals, it’s hard to imagine not having hair. Having a good head of hair is something many take for granted. I’ve been working in the hair loss …
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Understanding Anxiety Disorders And Talking About Self-Acceptance
7 years ago

Understanding Anxiety Disorders And Talking About Self-Acceptance

My eyes open up as I lay in bed and for a brief moment I forget I had a panic attack the night before. My body feels like I got …
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How A Social Enterprise Serves When Policy Fails: A Look at Menstrual Equality in the USA
8 years ago

How A Social Enterprise Serves When Policy Fails: A Look at Menstrual Equality in the USA

We started our company, Conscious Period, with the mission to make healthy period products available to all. We saw that women wanted tampons made only with pure, quality ingredients like …
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You’ll Want to Check Out These 5 Excellent Mental Health Resources
8 years ago

You’ll Want to Check Out These 5 Excellent Mental Health Resources

Adolescence and early adulthood is tumultuous time for most of us. But research has shown that some LGBTQ youth are more likely than their heterosexual peers to experience violence in …
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Using Mindfulness To Get You Through Your Journey
8 years ago

Using Mindfulness To Get You Through Your Journey

I come from a past tainted by depression, anxiety and self-injury; and the most common questions I have been asked are “how did I journey into hope and healing?” and …
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Nine To Five Sunshine: Benefits Of Having A Green Filled Workplace
8 years ago

Nine To Five Sunshine: Benefits Of Having A Green Filled Workplace

Picture a modern office – very bright lights, and lots of white walls. This is where I found myself two months after graduating college when I got a position as …
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World Cancer Day: Fight The Battle Alongside The Young And Brave
8 years ago

World Cancer Day: Fight The Battle Alongside The Young And Brave

My name is Matt Coulter and I’m the Co-Founder and Executive Director of The Young and Brave Foundation, a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping today’s youth beat cancer. We aim …
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The Act of Zero Wasting: Why I Ended My Relationship With My Trash Can
9 years ago

The Act of Zero Wasting: Why I Ended My Relationship With My Trash Can

“It’s you, not me.” I made that totally clear with my 5-gallon trash can as I pulled out the last plastic bag to take to the Dumpster. With its dirty ways, I …
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Why Incorporating Sustainability Into Your Everyday Life Matters
9 years ago

Why Incorporating Sustainability Into Your Everyday Life Matters

“You must be the change you want to see in the world.” -Mahatma Gandhi

This article will focus on the ways in which we can harness the positive intentions to …
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Why Plastic Microbeads Have Been Banned In California
9 years ago

Why Plastic Microbeads Have Been Banned In California

Plastic microbeads added to facial scrubs, body washes and toothpastes as exfoliants are a major form of microplastic pollution, and have recently been banned in California! Victory in passing the …
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Alma Sana: Vaccine Bracelets For Mothers In Developing Countries
9 years ago

Alma Sana: Vaccine Bracelets For Mothers In Developing Countries

Though I am a medical student, until I began an internship earlier this summer, I did not realize just how much I have always taken vaccines for granted. I have …
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How High Five Salon is Changing the the Culture of Beauty
9 years ago

How High Five Salon is Changing the the Culture of Beauty

“We wear our story for everyone to see,” says Sam Hills, owner of High Five Salon in Cincinnati. “We are all creative individuals and how we express ourselves visually says …
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Why Pet Lovers Are Going Organic
9 years ago

Why Pet Lovers Are Going Organic

Many of the same chemicals and toxins we fear are also concerns for our beloved pets. Pet cancer rates are high and many believe it’s due in large part to …
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Rethinking Clean: 5 Reasons to Detox Your Household Cleaners
9 years ago

Rethinking Clean: 5 Reasons to Detox Your Household Cleaners

True or False: Cleaning products are totally safe for human consumption. The answer is false. If I handed you a cup of disinfectant or laundry detergent and told you to …
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At the Crossroads of Cancer Prevention and A Life-Changing Decision
9 years ago

At the Crossroads of Cancer Prevention and A Life-Changing Decision

There are moments in life when we are faced with life changing decisions. One of those moments faces every woman when detected with the BRCA gene mutation, which means chances for having Breast …
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What Do We Really Know About Our Bottled Water?
9 years ago

What Do We Really Know About Our Bottled Water?

With new energy retrieval technologies storming our environmental scene, such as hydraulic fracturing (aka fracking), news regarding chemicals of concern in our municipal drinking water systems, and recent evidence that …
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Are You Really Being Useful If You Continue To Self-neglect?
9 years ago

Are You Really Being Useful If You Continue To Self-neglect?


Another full year has passed, and here we are again looking Cupid straight in the eye. It’s almost the day when we’re meant to tell our loved ones, friends, …
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