
About Jordan Corcoran

Jordan Corcoran went to Mercyhurst College. During her freshman year, she was diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Panic Disorder. After going through a very difficult struggle with coming to terms and learning to cope with these disorders, Jordan created an outlet where people can openly and candidly share their own challenges and personal struggles. She speaks publicly to college, high school and middle school students about her story, Listen, Lucy and the importance of acceptance-- of others and of yourself. She is the author of Listen, Lucy Volume I and has been featured on as well as for her self love campaigns. She recently filmed The Acceptance Movement docu-series which features her speaking to 10 schools and organizations in the United States and revealing the powerful impact this organization can have on an individual. Her mission is simple- she wants to create a less judgmental, more accepting world.
Latest Posts | By Jordan Corcoran
Understanding Anxiety Disorders And Talking About Self-Acceptance
7 years ago

Understanding Anxiety Disorders And Talking About Self-Acceptance

My eyes open up as I lay in bed and for a brief moment I forget I had a panic attack the night before. My body feels like I got …
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