
About Elizabeth Wasserman

Liz is the Founder and CEO of, an honest online shop offering truly toxin-free products for the whole family – pets included! With degrees in psychology and clinical social work and graduate studies in business and organizational psychology, Liz is the consummate problem solver, believing we all have the right to know what’s in the products we bring into our homes. Following a shocking health crisis in her own life, and fueled by a passion for preventive health, a commitment to clean living, and a strong belief in informed wellness care, she started True Goods with a mission to help people harness their purchasing power to create healthier lives and a more sustainable environment.
Latest Posts | By Elizabeth Wasserman
Sun Safety Checklist And Skin Cancer Awareness
5 years ago

Sun Safety Checklist And Skin Cancer Awareness

With the sunny summer days ahead it’s important to remind ourselves of the dangers associated with too much sun exposure. Skin cancer is the most common of all cancers, and …
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Why Pet Lovers Are Going Organic
9 years ago

Why Pet Lovers Are Going Organic

Many of the same chemicals and toxins we fear are also concerns for our beloved pets. Pet cancer rates are high and many believe it’s due in large part to …
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Rethinking Clean: 5 Reasons to Detox Your Household Cleaners
9 years ago

Rethinking Clean: 5 Reasons to Detox Your Household Cleaners

True or False: Cleaning products are totally safe for human consumption. The answer is false. If I handed you a cup of disinfectant or laundry detergent and told you to …
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What Do We Really Know About Our Bottled Water?
9 years ago

What Do We Really Know About Our Bottled Water?

With new energy retrieval technologies storming our environmental scene, such as hydraulic fracturing (aka fracking), news regarding chemicals of concern in our municipal drinking water systems, and recent evidence that …
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Are You Really Being Useful If You Continue To Self-neglect?
9 years ago

Are You Really Being Useful If You Continue To Self-neglect?


Another full year has passed, and here we are again looking Cupid straight in the eye. It’s almost the day when we’re meant to tell our loved ones, friends, …
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Concept of Healthy Living vs. Reality. How To Move Beyond Good Intentions
10 years ago

Concept of Healthy Living vs. Reality. How To Move Beyond Good Intentions

Editor’s Note: Elizabeth Wasserman of joins Conscious Magazine to launch a column on Consciously Clean Living . This topic is important to Elizabeth because of her passion for empowering people to lead …
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Greenwashing: Are Your “Natural” Products the Real Deal?
10 years ago

Greenwashing: Are Your “Natural” Products the Real Deal?

Editor’s Note: Elizabeth Wasserman of joins Conscious Magazine to launch a column on Consciously Clean Living . This topic is important to Elizabeth because of her passion for empowering people …
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Put Your Money Where Your Heart Is
10 years ago

Put Your Money Where Your Heart Is

Editor’s Note: Elizabeth Wasserman of joins Conscious Magazine to launch a column on Consciously Clean Living . This topic is important to Elizabeth because of her passion for …
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