
About Laci Texter

Laci Texter is an online marketing and social media consultant and founder of Texter Communications ( She lives in New York City, loves hot yoga, Indian food, East River runs, and waking up early.
Latest Posts | By Laci Texter
Reviving the Spirit of Giving, One Small Token at a Time
7 years ago

Reviving the Spirit of Giving, One Small Token at a Time

The holiday season has changed quite a bit over the last few decades. Our great-grandparents’ Decembers were pre-Amazon and pre-Black Friday—all about connecting with family and, most importantly, expressing love …
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How the GoodKarms Community App is Spreading Good Vibes on the Daily
7 years ago

How the GoodKarms Community App is Spreading Good Vibes on the Daily

When was the last time you went online and had a meaningful interaction with someone? Was that someone a stranger?

Probably not. The truth is, outside of work or school, …
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Cause Marketing Partnerships Are Changing the Way We Do Good
8 years ago

Cause Marketing Partnerships Are Changing the Way We Do Good

This April I attended the invitation-only event “New Frontier of Brands That Do – Do Good,” hosted by Ogilvy PR and Good Scout Group bringing together brand leaders to discuss corporate responsibility trends …
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Bryn Mooser: Award-Winning Filmmaker and Co-Founder of RYOT [Issue 03 Exclusive]
9 years ago

Bryn Mooser: Award-Winning Filmmaker and Co-Founder of RYOT [Issue 03 Exclusive]

By  •  Issue 03

The word “ryot” is a word that means Indian peasant or tenant farmer; but for Bryn Mooser, it stands in for a connection between hard work and action, growth, …
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Angela Francine Popplewell: Co-Founder and Chief Storyteller at 100Cameras [Issue 03 Exclusive]
9 years ago

Angela Francine Popplewell: Co-Founder and Chief Storyteller at 100Cameras [Issue 03 Exclusive]

By  •  Issue 03

In less than six years since its inception and with a volunteer staff, 100cameras, a non-profit organization, has helped young people living in marginalized communities worldwide raise over [$43,000] …
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Raising Our Voices Against Domestic Violence
10 years ago

Raising Our Voices Against Domestic Violence

Image: Baxter & Co. Since 1987, October has served as Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Studies find that one in four women and one in seven men …
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Another Reason to Cheer for the SuperBowl 48 Champs
10 years ago

Another Reason to Cheer for the SuperBowl 48 Champs

The Seattle Seahawks easily clinched the Super Bowl 48 Championship Title on Sunday night and the city erupted in excitement as thousands took to the streets to celebrate the …
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