
Brand Building

Podcast: 5 Smart Tools to Simplify Your Digital Space
3 years ago

Podcast: 5 Smart Tools to Simplify Your Digital Space

We’re summer refreshing during June by digitally decluttering. Why? Too many notifications, emails, direct messages, and texts constantly popping up on our phones can distract us from having a productive …
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Here’s Why You Never Give Up on Creating an Innovative Culture
4 years ago

Here’s Why You Never Give Up on Creating an Innovative Culture

If you are an entrepreneur, then you understand the importance of forward and creative thinking. While money is always essential in the corporate world, smart entrepreneurs know that they should …
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The Future of Sustainable Events Could be Gamification
4 years ago

The Future of Sustainable Events Could be Gamification

During intense uncertainty, we have never been more certain about the power of community to drive meaningful connections. Dan Roberts, a psychotherapist, says, “Humans are born wired for connection – it’s in …
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Our “New Normal”  and the Triple Bottom Line Perspective
4 years ago

Our “New Normal” and the Triple Bottom Line Perspective

This month we watched hotels, restaurants, and other non-essential businesses close their doors and lay off staff. Business owners must now analyze how the global pandemic disrupted “business as usual” …
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Strong Communication with Your Team Starts with Staying Focused on Your Mission
4 years ago

Strong Communication with Your Team Starts with Staying Focused on Your Mission

In the ’90s, during the civil war in Somalia, the term “mission creep” was first used by reporters in the United States. It is identified, in this example, as entering …
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Working Self-Employed Is Much Harder Than You Think
5 years ago

Working Self-Employed Is Much Harder Than You Think

When you have worked as a regular employee for most of your life, self-employment might feel like the ultimate breakthrough. You are your own boss, your working hours are flexible, …
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How To Be Honest With Yourself In The Midst of Tough Work
7 years ago

How To Be Honest With Yourself In The Midst of Tough Work

Though I am embarrassed at times to admit it, it took me several years to realize that I had allowed my intense work in Haiti and the Dominican Republic to …
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3 Important Tips for Building a Strong Donor Connection
7 years ago

3 Important Tips for Building a Strong Donor Connection

Knowing your donors and how to engage with them is the key to planning a successful fundraising event. Whether it’s a traditionally seated gala or a casino night for your …
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An App That Connects You With Inspiring People
7 years ago

An App That Connects You With Inspiring People

The world is full of inspiring people, but there are two main obstacles to adding these people to your network: (1) How or where do you find them? (2) After …
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Cause Marketing Partnerships Are Changing the Way We Do Good
8 years ago

Cause Marketing Partnerships Are Changing the Way We Do Good

This April I attended the invitation-only event “New Frontier of Brands That Do – Do Good,” hosted by Ogilvy PR and Good Scout Group bringing together brand leaders to discuss corporate responsibility trends …
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5 Tips For Developing Your Dream Product
8 years ago

5 Tips For Developing Your Dream Product

For many of us, creating a product is the ultimate dream. The idea that you designed and produced a physical product that lives out in the world is exciting, to …
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Why Co-Emergence Matters In The World Of Impact Startups
9 years ago

Why Co-Emergence Matters In The World Of Impact Startups

There is so much advice out there about starting up a company and much of it is anecdotal. Some of it offers step-by-step methodologies for finance, sales, legal, and marketing …
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Small Businesses Saturday + #GivingTuesday | 3 Steps to Unlock the Potential in this Perfect Match
9 years ago

Small Businesses Saturday + #GivingTuesday | 3 Steps to Unlock the Potential in this Perfect Match

Small Businesses and nonprofits are a match made in heaven. When done correctly, these strategic partnerships can create incredible value for both parties. One amazing opportunity no small business should …
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Crowdfunding: How Donors Can Confidently Give Charities What They Actually Need
9 years ago

Crowdfunding: How Donors Can Confidently Give Charities What They Actually Need

As crazy as it sounds, donating money to a cause isn’t always easy. Sometimes, the process might not even feel good–which is the complete opposite of how we’re supposed to …
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How To Attract Like-Minded People And Foster A Loyal Community
9 years ago

How To Attract Like-Minded People And Foster A Loyal Community

Investing in your community is a lifeline for your organization. When you have a strong and loyal community behind you who sees your vision, understands what you …
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Key Marketing (And Simple) Tips for Product Based Social Businesses
9 years ago

Key Marketing (And Simple) Tips for Product Based Social Businesses

Marketing can be one of the most exciting parts of a business or product launch. Thanks to technology, you have more ways to market than ever.

But all of that …
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The Power of Storytelling for Social Businesses
9 years ago

The Power of Storytelling for Social Businesses

In most of our communications, we tend to use analysis to persuade others, despite substantial evidence indicating that people are more effectively affected by stories. When it comes to getting …
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How To Build A Strong Team
9 years ago

How To Build A Strong Team

Starting a business is difficult – you have your customers, plans for growth and cash flow to worry about, not to mention the daily stresses that come with running a …
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The Importance of Diversifying Your Skill Set
9 years ago

The Importance of Diversifying Your Skill Set

There’s a lot of talk about the importance of diversification in business. Just ask Martha Stewart or Oprah, who are both great examples of people who have taken skill sets …
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How To Make The Best of Business And Friendship
9 years ago

How To Make The Best of Business And Friendship

If you ask Google whether you should start a business with friends, you will find a plethora of articles telling you that it’s not a good idea. They’ll warn you …
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A Guide On How To Creatively Market Your Idea
9 years ago

A Guide On How To Creatively Market Your Idea

It’s one thing to launch an idea / start a business selling your services, but the world of selling product – any product – is a whole new ballgame. Competition, …
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3 Questions You Should Answer Before Starting A Social Enterprise
9 years ago

3 Questions You Should Answer Before Starting A Social Enterprise

So you want to start a social enterprise? First of all, good for you! It takes a special sort of courage to start your own business, and if you’re seriously …
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How To Refocus And Improve Your Brand Strategy
9 years ago

How To Refocus And Improve Your Brand Strategy

We’re almost in the third month of the year. Chances are you refreshed yourself for the new year and started out strong, but now you’re beginning to lose momentum and …
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