
About Steph Robinson

Steph Robinson has spent most of the last 10 years working with international communities. For the last several years, she's worked alongside Haitian communities with the group Konbit Haiti. Using her Master's in International Community Development, Steph writes about misconceptions about the international world and how we can all become better global citizens while taking care of ourselves. Steph is married to Ryan and they spend most of their time in Montrouis, Haiti. She loves hiking, kayaking, and reading.
Latest Posts | By Steph Robinson
How Haitian Leaders Respond to the COVID-19 Crisis
4 years ago

How Haitian Leaders Respond to the COVID-19 Crisis

We are just learning how COVID-19 is impacting communities in the global south. There have been problematic projections for nations like Haiti without access to as many hospitals or materials. …
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5 Ways Non-Profits Can Manage Pandemic Challenges
4 years ago

5 Ways Non-Profits Can Manage Pandemic Challenges

Starting a non-profit can be exhilarating. Entrepreneurs, social creators, and non-profit founders know the amount of work behind creating and sustaining a non-profit from creating programs and projects to support …
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Leadership Starts Internally—Signs and Characteristics of a Strong Leader
4 years ago

Leadership Starts Internally—Signs and Characteristics of a Strong Leader

Like many of you, I am stuck at home wondering how I can continue to lead an organization that I co-founded while attempting to survive this new normal myself. Once …
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Strong Communication with Your Team Starts with Staying Focused on Your Mission
4 years ago

Strong Communication with Your Team Starts with Staying Focused on Your Mission

In the ’90s, during the civil war in Somalia, the term “mission creep” was first used by reporters in the United States. It is identified, in this example, as entering …
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Life Inventory—Discovering What Matters Most
5 years ago

Life Inventory—Discovering What Matters Most

Let’s face it; if we are not intentional about what our lives look like, we will end up answering to the most difficult things in our lives. While perhaps there …
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Signs Of Domestic Violence And How To Help
6 years ago

Signs Of Domestic Violence And How To Help

On a typical day, there are more than 20,000 phone calls placed to domestic violence hotlines nationwide. (National Coalition Against Domestic Abuse).

According to The Joyful Heart Foundation, a domestic violence …
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10 Ways Social Entrepreneurship Can Help You Self-Improve
6 years ago

10 Ways Social Entrepreneurship Can Help You Self-Improve

I don’t know that anyone starts a social enterprise hoping to improve themselves. I know I didn’t. Instead, I thought that I held so many of the answers; naively I …
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How To Effectively Leverage Your Voice For Social Causes
6 years ago

How To Effectively Leverage Your Voice For Social Causes

“But, I put it on Facebook!” How many times have we heard someone in real life share about the things they shared on Facebook or other social media platforms? While …
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5 Ways to Manage Stress at Any Time
6 years ago

5 Ways to Manage Stress at Any Time

It does not matter if you do administration for a social enterprise or are a CEO and president of it all, work and purpose can often consume us. Because we …
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10 Great Ways To Start A Life Of Volunteerism
6 years ago

10 Great Ways To Start A Life Of Volunteerism

With each choice we make, we make our values known. If making your life about helping others and making positive change, it might seem like a challenge to get involved. …
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A Gentle Reminder: Your Social Enterprise Can Flourish Even When You Practice Self-Care
6 years ago

A Gentle Reminder: Your Social Enterprise Can Flourish Even When You Practice Self-Care

If you are like me, you feel guilty when reading another compelling article about self-care. I get it. Practicing self-care is great. I don’t think anyone thinks this is untrue. …
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Gain A Deeper Understanding Of The Orphan Crisis
7 years ago

Gain A Deeper Understanding Of The Orphan Crisis

It was early on in my work in Haiti that we stumbled upon an orphanage. With a sheet of tin as the door and the “#7” spray painted on it, …
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Accepting My Depression: How I Learned To Be Honest With Myself
7 years ago

Accepting My Depression: How I Learned To Be Honest With Myself

Haiti is a wild place. The humidity kisses you upon your arrival. The smell of street food and diesel gas fumes fill the air. The people are boisterous and full …
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How To Press On With Your Vision When People Around You Don’t Support You
7 years ago

How To Press On With Your Vision When People Around You Don’t Support You

I have always prided myself on my communication skills. A classic ENFP (anyone else love Myers-Briggs?), I am excited and can easily draw people into a vision or goal. So, …
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How To Be Honest With Yourself In The Midst of Tough Work
7 years ago

How To Be Honest With Yourself In The Midst of Tough Work

Though I am embarrassed at times to admit it, it took me several years to realize that I had allowed my intense work in Haiti and the Dominican Republic to …
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​Listening: ​Your Most Important Skill As A Leader
7 years ago

​Listening: ​Your Most Important Skill As A Leader

There have been many things in my life for which I have felt prepared. Being a leader of an international staff and a US-based board team was not one of …
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