

5 Top Tips for Refreshing your Digital Space (And Ridding Mental Clutter)
3 years ago

5 Top Tips for Refreshing your Digital Space (And Ridding Mental Clutter)

As we approach summer and a new season, it is an excellent time to take inventory in your life of what is serving you well and what isn’t- a refresh …
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The Future of Sustainable Events Could be Gamification
4 years ago

The Future of Sustainable Events Could be Gamification

During intense uncertainty, we have never been more certain about the power of community to drive meaningful connections. Dan Roberts, a psychotherapist, says, “Humans are born wired for connection – it’s in …
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10 Ways to Enhance Your Life with the Art of Connection
4 years ago

10 Ways to Enhance Your Life with the Art of Connection

In the days of the COVID-19 pandemic isolation, and as we prepare to journey back to “normalcy” and safely reopen our economy, we can use these next few weeks to …
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Emotional Intelligence: What Makes Great Leaders Thrive​ During Challenging Times
4 years ago

Emotional Intelligence: What Makes Great Leaders Thrive​ During Challenging Times

“We cannot change what we are not aware of, and once we are aware, we cannot help but change.”​ A quote by Sheryl Sandberg seems even more fitting today than …
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5 Ways Non-Profits Can Manage Pandemic Challenges
4 years ago

5 Ways Non-Profits Can Manage Pandemic Challenges

Starting a non-profit can be exhilarating. Entrepreneurs, social creators, and non-profit founders know the amount of work behind creating and sustaining a non-profit from creating programs and projects to support …
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Leadership Starts Internally—Signs and Characteristics of a Strong Leader
4 years ago

Leadership Starts Internally—Signs and Characteristics of a Strong Leader

Like many of you, I am stuck at home wondering how I can continue to lead an organization that I co-founded while attempting to survive this new normal myself. Once …
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Strong Communication with Your Team Starts with Staying Focused on Your Mission
4 years ago

Strong Communication with Your Team Starts with Staying Focused on Your Mission

In the ’90s, during the civil war in Somalia, the term “mission creep” was first used by reporters in the United States. It is identified, in this example, as entering …
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Life Inventory—Discovering What Matters Most
5 years ago

Life Inventory—Discovering What Matters Most

Let’s face it; if we are not intentional about what our lives look like, we will end up answering to the most difficult things in our lives. While perhaps there …
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Transformational Facilitation and Transferring Power
5 years ago

Transformational Facilitation and Transferring Power

Where I live and work, in almost all of the school districts, city departments, and nonprofits, a commitment to diversity is clear from the minute I walk in the door. …
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What To Do Immediately When You Get Fired
5 years ago

What To Do Immediately When You Get Fired

Finding a stable job with a decent income can be difficult for someone who just started down their career path. Getting fired from that same job position mere months after …
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The Lack of Focus or The Lack of Hunger?
5 years ago

The Lack of Focus or The Lack of Hunger?

It’s now Spring, that awkward time where it isn’t a fresh start or the end of a year. We are 3 months into the new year and it’s time to …
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Powerful Meditations for Leaders
5 years ago

Powerful Meditations for Leaders

You are an inspired leader inside but how to you take that vision and turn it into action? As a kundalini yoga teacher, business owner, author and social rebel, …
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3 Time-Management Practices of High-Achievers
6 years ago

3 Time-Management Practices of High-Achievers

Confession: I am Type-A. If that wasn’t already apparent through my choice to start a business selling productivity and organizational tools, then here is my full acknowledgment of it. I …
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How to Choose Goals That Motivate and Inspire Your Team
6 years ago

How to Choose Goals That Motivate and Inspire Your Team

Your task, being a team leader, is to keep everyone going and make the best out of every single workday. You work with various people, and there are so many …
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Why Having A Vision Is The Most Important Aspect Of Your Life
6 years ago

Why Having A Vision Is The Most Important Aspect Of Your Life

The million dollar question that we all asked ourselves at one time or the other is, why are we here? And where do we see ourselves in life? We all …
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Living Intentionally Creates Freedom Like You’ve Never Imagined
6 years ago

Living Intentionally Creates Freedom Like You’ve Never Imagined

At this time in history, more people are sleepwalking their way through life than ever before. There’s no denying that.

It’s easy to simply “go with the flow,” follow the …
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Authenticity And The Modern Working Woman
6 years ago

Authenticity And The Modern Working Woman

Lean In was celebrated by many as the “silver-bullet” to the pressing issue of inequality in the workplace. At the same time, the book was also heavily criticized by scholars …
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How to Build An Advisory Council in 5 Steps
7 years ago

How to Build An Advisory Council in 5 Steps

An advisory council can be a fundamental asset to your organization. Think of your advisory council as your “dream team” of mentors. That’s what they do. They mentor you and …
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How To Press On With Your Vision When People Around You Don’t Support You
7 years ago

How To Press On With Your Vision When People Around You Don’t Support You

I have always prided myself on my communication skills. A classic ENFP (anyone else love Myers-Briggs?), I am excited and can easily draw people into a vision or goal. So, …
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How To Be Honest With Yourself In The Midst of Tough Work
7 years ago

How To Be Honest With Yourself In The Midst of Tough Work

Though I am embarrassed at times to admit it, it took me several years to realize that I had allowed my intense work in Haiti and the Dominican Republic to …
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​Listening: ​Your Most Important Skill As A Leader
7 years ago

​Listening: ​Your Most Important Skill As A Leader

There have been many things in my life for which I have felt prepared. Being a leader of an international staff and a US-based board team was not one of …
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The Benefit Mindset—A Leadership Investment
7 years ago

The Benefit Mindset—A Leadership Investment

In what is being called a global movement, a growing community of like-minded organizations are using business as a force for good. Globally, there are now 1700 B-Corporations who are using …
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7 Simple Steps to Start a Life of Volunteerism
7 years ago

7 Simple Steps to Start a Life of Volunteerism

You know you want to volunteer. You have for some time. The last time you volunteered, you cleaned the beach with your coworkers, but it just didn’t light a fire …
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Leadership Lessons From Kenya
7 years ago

Leadership Lessons From Kenya

A few weeks ago I was asked to speak to a group of first-year students at Georgia Tech about leadership. I wanted the talk to resonate with them, but as …
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8 Socially Conscious Accelerators For Your Startup
7 years ago

8 Socially Conscious Accelerators For Your Startup

Your idea is solid. You may already have a website, product or service, customers or even revenue. You’re still in the startup phase, and you’re ready for the next step.

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