

How Haitian Leaders Respond to the COVID-19 Crisis
4 years ago

How Haitian Leaders Respond to the COVID-19 Crisis

We are just learning how COVID-19 is impacting communities in the global south. There have been problematic projections for nations like Haiti without access to as many hospitals or materials. …
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Why “Love Conquers All” Isn’t an Airy Quote Reserved for Dreamers and the Religious
4 years ago

Why “Love Conquers All” Isn’t an Airy Quote Reserved for Dreamers and the Religious

How Virgil’s words are ever-relevant in a world coping with the murder of George Floyd and mass killings globally.

The saying that ‘love conquers all’ might be known as a …
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George Floyd Protests: This was the Example. Leaders Facing Leaders and Coming Together in Peace
4 years ago

George Floyd Protests: This was the Example. Leaders Facing Leaders and Coming Together in Peace

Blessed are the peacemakers. What we’ve seen erupting across U.S. Cities, we can acknowledge that we need an anchor of peace, restoration and unity. We need heart, wisdom, leadership, and justice.

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5 Ways Non-Profits Can Manage Pandemic Challenges
4 years ago

5 Ways Non-Profits Can Manage Pandemic Challenges

Starting a non-profit can be exhilarating. Entrepreneurs, social creators, and non-profit founders know the amount of work behind creating and sustaining a non-profit from creating programs and projects to support …
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5 Indigenous-Led Conservation Organizations to Explore
4 years ago

5 Indigenous-Led Conservation Organizations to Explore

Indigenous wisdom is not optional, it is integral to sustainable change. If we are to work together as a global community to accomplish anything, whether economic development, conservation, health promotion, …
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Purposity—Connecting You to Real-Time and Urgent Needs in Your Community
4 years ago

Purposity—Connecting You to Real-Time and Urgent Needs in Your Community

One day it seemed okay, the next day, everything changed. The rapid shift in culture, due to the coronavirus pandemic, called for an even faster call to pause. However, needs …
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CONSCIOUS x WHO THEY ARE | Telling Stories of the Heroes of the Modern-Day Abolitionist Movement
6 years ago

CONSCIOUS x WHO THEY ARE | Telling Stories of the Heroes of the Modern-Day Abolitionist Movement

Conscious Magazine is excited to announce the official media partnership with Who They Are, to raise awareness of the efforts combating the global anti-Human Trafficking movement. Who They Are is …
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Standing With Refugees: A Global Conversation About A Global Crisis
6 years ago

Standing With Refugees: A Global Conversation About A Global Crisis

“Refugees are people like anyone else, like you and me. They led ordinary lives before becoming displaced, and their biggest dream is to be able to live normally again. On …
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Breaking Bread: A Refugee’s Journey
6 years ago

Breaking Bread: A Refugee’s Journey

Since the dawn of earth, people have been in motion. The refugee crisis is now internationally recognized as the largest displacement crisis of our time. Since we are all part …
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What Does Breaking Up With Fast Fashion Have To Do With Women’s Empowerment? Everything.
6 years ago

What Does Breaking Up With Fast Fashion Have To Do With Women’s Empowerment? Everything.

I vividly remember my favorite denim jacket starting to fray, and my ironing on a Madonna patch. That’s what we did in the 1990s. Loved, repaired and personalized our fashion …
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7 Brands Fighting Human Trafficking You Need To Know About
6 years ago

7 Brands Fighting Human Trafficking You Need To Know About

The International Labour Organization estimates that there are 20.9 million victims of human trafficking globally. A staggering 26% of them are children, and 55% are women and girls. Although there …
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5 Nonprofits Fighting For Human Rights And How They Stand Up To Injustice
7 years ago

5 Nonprofits Fighting For Human Rights And How They Stand Up To Injustice

In the realm of Human Rights, endless nonprofit organizations can be found. With a variety of focuses in terms of violations and regions, how do we find the nonprofit entity …
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Haiti Is Full Of Friendship. Our Week With Team i’m ME
7 years ago

Haiti Is Full Of Friendship. Our Week With Team i’m ME

As part of building Conscious Magazine, some of our lifelong goals are to serve alongside the amazing people we feature and join them in their mission work. ​This is what …
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7 years ago


Editor’s Note Conscious Magazine has teamed up with Kellie Kreiss, Co-Founder of Global Populace, to tell stories of impact that encourage an exchange of ideas. Find out more about Kellie …
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Epic Foundation: Creating A Movement Around Charitable Giving
7 years ago

Epic Foundation: Creating A Movement Around Charitable Giving

Over the years, WHo CAREs!? has identified several Chief Care Officers. Through their unique leadership skills, they create a healthier and a more caring environment. An environment that not only …
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2030 Now: Bringing Youth to the Conversation
7 years ago

2030 Now: Bringing Youth to the Conversation

“What type of world do you want to live in by the year 2030?”

September brought forth multiple events from the Social Good Summit, the Clinton Global Initiative to the …
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How Virtual Reality is the Power of Immersive Storytelling
7 years ago

How Virtual Reality is the Power of Immersive Storytelling

The line curled around the room and zigzagged several rounds outside. With curiosity getting the best of me, I wasn’t about to miss out on a chance to test out …
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The World’s Poorest Communities Dispel a Big Myth About the Environment
7 years ago

The World’s Poorest Communities Dispel a Big Myth About the Environment

In most ongoing conversations about the planet’s environmental issues, you’ll frequently hear the names of major actors: The United States Government, the Vatican, the oil industry, and the United Nations. …
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The 4 Areas of Progress 4 Years after the Rana Plaza Factory Collapse
7 years ago

The 4 Areas of Progress 4 Years after the Rana Plaza Factory Collapse

It has been four years since the Rana Plaza Factory collapsed in Dhaka, Bangladesh, killing 1,134 people and injuring over 2,500 in one day. The world watched in horror as …
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The Kula Project On Why Listening Creates Powerful Opportunity For Farmers in Rwanda
8 years ago

The Kula Project On Why Listening Creates Powerful Opportunity For Farmers in Rwanda

“The reason I think poverty is still where it is is because we do not listen.” -Sarah Buchanan, Co-Founder of Kula Project

By definition, The Kula Project is a charity. …
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3 Ways We Can Be Freedom Fighters For Women Around the World
8 years ago

3 Ways We Can Be Freedom Fighters For Women Around the World

Modern day slavery, human trafficking, unfair working conditions and wages, these are all great offenses on one’s human rights. According to Equality Now, trafficking women and children for sexual exploitation …
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Empower Workers and Support Human Rights with your Thoughtful Purchases
8 years ago

Empower Workers and Support Human Rights with your Thoughtful Purchases

The way we spend our money speaks volumes about who we are and what kind of world we want to live in. How we use our money is profoundly …
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The Adventure Project—Revolutionizing Charity, One Entrepreneur At A Time
8 years ago

The Adventure Project—Revolutionizing Charity, One Entrepreneur At A Time

“I am no longer scrambling to provide for my family. I am proud to be a business-woman, farmer, and mother.” – Monika, a Farmer in Kenya of The Adventure Project

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Hunger is a Solvable Problem | Here’s How You Can Be Part of the Solution
8 years ago

Hunger is a Solvable Problem | Here’s How You Can Be Part of the Solution

End Hunger. It’s a bold statement. It’s so bold, that sometimes it doesn’t even feel real. Because most of us live in an environment where food is inches …
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Nonviolent Peaceforce: Conflict Without Weapons
8 years ago

Nonviolent Peaceforce: Conflict Without Weapons


I walked into Nonviolent Peaceforce at the end of May hoping for a break from the anger that I kept feeling in policy school. My first year at the …
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