

The Future of Sustainable Travel: Post Pandemic
4 years ago

The Future of Sustainable Travel: Post Pandemic

Since the beginning of 2020, we have experienced wildfires across Australia, and widespread flooding across the United Kingdom, China, and India. Within the United States, we’re experiencing the second-worst drought …
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How a Social Enterprise Fights Poverty through Smart Farming
4 years ago

How a Social Enterprise Fights Poverty through Smart Farming

Social entrepreneur Stephen Ekoom’s interest lies in the intersection of agriculture, community development, and business. His zest for life and infectious enthusiasm shines through as he speaks excitedly about the …
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5 Indigenous-Led Conservation Organizations to Explore
4 years ago

5 Indigenous-Led Conservation Organizations to Explore

Indigenous wisdom is not optional, it is integral to sustainable change. If we are to work together as a global community to accomplish anything, whether economic development, conservation, health promotion, …
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Decolonizing Our Concept of Conservation for Earth Day 2020
4 years ago

Decolonizing Our Concept of Conservation for Earth Day 2020

Today we observe the 50th annual Earth Day. Initiated in 1970, Earth Day exists to “drive transformative change for people and planet”. Inspired by the college based anti-war protests in …
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Environmental Intelligence: Seeking Grounds While Reaching New Heights
4 years ago

Environmental Intelligence: Seeking Grounds While Reaching New Heights

The final months of 2019 will be remembered as a moment of reckoning to the imminent threat posed by global warming. Young climate activists around the world entered the political …
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The Inconvenient Truth About Climate Change
7 years ago

The Inconvenient Truth About Climate Change

One of the most important and urgent topics currently talked about is a climate change. However, most people are still unaware of which human action is the most detrimental to …
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The World’s Poorest Communities Dispel a Big Myth About the Environment
7 years ago

The World’s Poorest Communities Dispel a Big Myth About the Environment

In most ongoing conversations about the planet’s environmental issues, you’ll frequently hear the names of major actors: The United States Government, the Vatican, the oil industry, and the United Nations. …
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Central American Youth Leading the Way in Sustainability
7 years ago

Central American Youth Leading the Way in Sustainability

Crime, gang violence, and narco-trafficking are well-known as being among the primary forces motivating Central American youth to risk everything to travel to the southern border of the United States. …
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Conscious Consumerism Leads to Water Conservation
7 years ago

Conscious Consumerism Leads to Water Conservation

In honor of World Water Day, recognized annually on March 22, and its 2017 theme of “Wastewater,” it is fitting to talk about one of the largest polluters of water …
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5 Kickstarter Projects with the Greater Good in Mind
8 years ago

5 Kickstarter Projects with the Greater Good in Mind

Perusing through Kickstarter is probably one of the best ways to catch a glimpse into the future. Because this invention launchpad is accessible to anyone gutsy enough to bring their …
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Nine To Five Sunshine: Benefits Of Having A Green Filled Workplace
8 years ago

Nine To Five Sunshine: Benefits Of Having A Green Filled Workplace

Picture a modern office – very bright lights, and lots of white walls. This is where I found myself two months after graduating college when I got a position as …
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The Act of Zero Wasting: Why I Ended My Relationship With My Trash Can
9 years ago

The Act of Zero Wasting: Why I Ended My Relationship With My Trash Can

“It’s you, not me.” I made that totally clear with my 5-gallon trash can as I pulled out the last plastic bag to take to the Dumpster. With its dirty ways, I …
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Why Plastic Microbeads Have Been Banned In California
9 years ago

Why Plastic Microbeads Have Been Banned In California

Plastic microbeads added to facial scrubs, body washes and toothpastes as exfoliants are a major form of microplastic pollution, and have recently been banned in California! Victory in passing the …
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The Divestment Debate And The 21st Century Energy Mix
9 years ago

The Divestment Debate And The 21st Century Energy Mix

“To Divest, or Not To Divest…”

In the famous play Hamlet (Shakespeare), the opening phrase begins with the well-known line, “to be, or not to be, that is the question.” …
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Five Earth Day Resolutions You Can Actually Keep All Year
9 years ago

Five Earth Day Resolutions You Can Actually Keep All Year

Earth Day often has the same result as New Year’s Day does. Lots of enthusiasm and resolutions that “really are going to last this time, I’m serious,” and often don’t …
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How To Become A Committed Environmentalist
9 years ago

How To Become A Committed Environmentalist

For many of us, we may not be paying close attention to the current wildlife status simply because it’s not at the forefront of our conversations or media until something …
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3 Green Myths, Busted. What Do You Really Know About The ‘Environmental Folklore’?
9 years ago

3 Green Myths, Busted. What Do You Really Know About The ‘Environmental Folklore’?

In my work, I do a lot of myth-busting around what is ‘green’ and what is not. Years of scientific research across a variety of fields has allowed me to uncover a …
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