

Non-Profit Organizations Supporting the Well-being of the Fatherless on Father’s Day
3 years ago

Non-Profit Organizations Supporting the Well-being of the Fatherless on Father’s Day

As we prepare to celebrate Father’s Day, sadly, fatherless is America’s top domestic problem. For some, this is a day that many children—young and old, grieve the loss of absent …
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6 Amazing Gift Ideas for a COVID-Free Mother’s Day 
4 years ago

6 Amazing Gift Ideas for a COVID-Free Mother’s Day 

Can I get a head nod or a “YASSS” from every mom that has found herself doing the jobs of teacher, chef, nurse, IT department, as well as being the …
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Advocating for Stronger Voices In Developing Nations
6 years ago

Advocating for Stronger Voices In Developing Nations

Some days genuinely are overwhelming. We hear about disasters, we hear about starvation, we hear about tragedy and slavery and injustice. We can read books, watch documentaries and even take …
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Standing With Refugees: A Global Conversation About A Global Crisis
6 years ago

Standing With Refugees: A Global Conversation About A Global Crisis

“Refugees are people like anyone else, like you and me. They led ordinary lives before becoming displaced, and their biggest dream is to be able to live normally again. On …
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Family: A Conscious Perspective Of Child Custody
6 years ago

Family: A Conscious Perspective Of Child Custody

There is no greater issue in a divorce case than child custody. Sole custody, joint custody, shared custody, split custody, are all labels created by our system to help define …
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Gain A Deeper Understanding Of The Orphan Crisis
7 years ago

Gain A Deeper Understanding Of The Orphan Crisis

It was early on in my work in Haiti that we stumbled upon an orphanage. With a sheet of tin as the door and the “#7” spray painted on it, …
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Hank Fortener, Founder of AdoptTogether, on Why We Need #WorldAdoptionDay
7 years ago

Hank Fortener, Founder of AdoptTogether, on Why We Need #WorldAdoptionDay

From his earliest memory, Hank can remember always having room for one more person in his home.

His family fostered 36 children over the course of 7 years, with varying …
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A Look At World Orphan Care in Ethiopia
7 years ago

A Look At World Orphan Care in Ethiopia

One of the hardest things in this world is reevaluating the way things have been done and accepting that they were done wrong.

One such issue is that of orphan …
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How One Nonprofit Is Aiding thousands Of Children Around The World
7 years ago

How One Nonprofit Is Aiding thousands Of Children Around The World

The goal of Assisting Children in Need (ACN) is simple: Help children make sense of a world often difficult to understand. Vice President Melissa Klein told me about ACN’s latest …
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The Adventure Project—Revolutionizing Charity, One Entrepreneur At A Time
8 years ago

The Adventure Project—Revolutionizing Charity, One Entrepreneur At A Time

“I am no longer scrambling to provide for my family. I am proud to be a business-woman, farmer, and mother.” – Monika, a Farmer in Kenya of The Adventure Project

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Hunger is a Solvable Problem | Here’s How You Can Be Part of the Solution
8 years ago

Hunger is a Solvable Problem | Here’s How You Can Be Part of the Solution

End Hunger. It’s a bold statement. It’s so bold, that sometimes it doesn’t even feel real. Because most of us live in an environment where food is inches …
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In Cambodia, Mother With HIV Fights for Her Children’s Future
8 years ago

In Cambodia, Mother With HIV Fights for Her Children’s Future

It has been two years since Thythy’s husband died of AIDS. The 29-year-old mother of two gets by on donated rice and fish from her church, and the meager earnings …
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Mothers Have The Power To Build Legacies Near and Far
8 years ago

Mothers Have The Power To Build Legacies Near and Far

Legacy. For better or worse, everyone has one. My hope is for my children to dream big for themselves and the world in which they live. My goal is to …
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World Cancer Day: Fight The Battle Alongside The Young And Brave
8 years ago

World Cancer Day: Fight The Battle Alongside The Young And Brave

My name is Matt Coulter and I’m the Co-Founder and Executive Director of The Young and Brave Foundation, a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping today’s youth beat cancer. We aim …
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Do Something Incredible For Families This Holiday Season
9 years ago

Do Something Incredible For Families This Holiday Season

The holiday gift giving season is here! And yes that means many people are crowding into stores on a daily basis looking for deals or a special present. However, a …
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Family Brews Coffee for All In The Name of Adoption
9 years ago

Family Brews Coffee for All In The Name of Adoption

For many, Saturdays offer an additional hour, or two, of morning repose. Enveloped in bed linen within the comfort of our homes, we enjoy the quiet moments when soft sunlight …
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How to Transition Back to School Successfully and Avoid Crisis
9 years ago

How to Transition Back to School Successfully and Avoid Crisis

Heading back to school isn’t always a picnic. If you’re having a tough time, you’re certainly not alone. Transitions are generally tough on our kiddos as it is. Not only …
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Kids Will Not Learn If They’re Stressed: The Call for Trauma-Informed Schools
9 years ago

Kids Will Not Learn If They’re Stressed: The Call for Trauma-Informed Schools

When a child steps foot into a classroom, he carries with him the rest of his world. Although school is only one aspect of his life, he enters the room …
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The Dangers of Rehoming in America
9 years ago

The Dangers of Rehoming in America

A silent form of child trafficking exists and not enough is being said or done about it. It is known as rehoming. According to Michele Jackson, JD, “rehoming is a …
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The #GoAskYourMother Campaign Encourages Talks About Family Health History
9 years ago

The #GoAskYourMother Campaign Encourages Talks About Family Health History

Bright Pink, a national non-profit, focuses on the prevention and early detection of breast and ovarian cancer in young women. For this Mother’s Day, they are launching the #GoAskYourMother campaign to …
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How To Avoid Competing With Trends. A Look At The #KeepKidsClose Movement
9 years ago

How To Avoid Competing With Trends. A Look At The #KeepKidsClose Movement

You’ve heard the expression – “it takes a village to raise a child.”

Most sources claim it’s an ancient African proverb but the origin is debatable. One thing is for …
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Are We Labeling Kids As “Acting Out” Too Quickly? The Question Everyone Should Ask
9 years ago

Are We Labeling Kids As “Acting Out” Too Quickly? The Question Everyone Should Ask

Katerina is eleven years old and is failing most of her subjects. She can barely sit still or concentrate and homework is always a struggle. At home, she is withdrawn …
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