
About Annie Brown

Annie serves as Head of Marketing at UpEffect, a crowdfunding platform for social enterprise. Previously, Annie worked for organizations such as Grameen Bank and Planned Parenthood. Annie has presented at several conferences including SSSS (The Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality) and The Asia Microfinance Forum. She is also a guest lecturer at UC San Diego's Rady School of Management. A graduate of The College of William and Mary and The Tata Institute for Social Sciences, Annie's senior thesis, titled The Best You Can Be: Conflicting Messages of Liberation and Oppression in Indian Cosmopolitan Magazine, won highest honors.
Latest Posts | By Annie Brown
Authenticity And The Modern Working Woman
7 years ago

Authenticity And The Modern Working Woman

Lean In was celebrated by many as the “silver-bullet” to the pressing issue of inequality in the workplace. At the same time, the book was also heavily criticized by scholars …
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