
About Minaa B

Minaa B is the founder of Respect Your Struggle, a movement dedicated to providing hope for people struggling with depression, mental health and life related issues. She is a social worker, mental health advocate and is truly passionate about helping people overcome their struggles through the power of hope and healing.
Latest Posts | By Minaa B
Learning How To Take Care of Your Mental Health As An Entrepreneur
5 years ago

Learning How To Take Care of Your Mental Health As An Entrepreneur

We are all born with this innate hunger for passion and success. Our ability to be doers, creators, innovators and visionaries come from an instinctive characteristic, which is best described …
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Daily Affirmations For The Social Entrepreneur
7 years ago

Daily Affirmations For The Social Entrepreneur

By  •  Culture, Life

For the last five years of my life I have made it a habit to commit myself to the power of positive thinking as a tool to combat my …
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Using Mindfulness To Get You Through Your Journey
8 years ago

Using Mindfulness To Get You Through Your Journey

I come from a past tainted by depression, anxiety and self-injury; and the most common questions I have been asked are “how did I journey into hope and healing?” and …
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Finding Peace, Strength and Resilience At the End of The Road
8 years ago

Finding Peace, Strength and Resilience At the End of The Road

By  •  Culture, Life

I believe we are all on a journey. For some of us, we are in a place of utter chaos, burdened by misfortune and carrying the dead weight of our …
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How To Empower Yourself In The Midst of Your Struggles
9 years ago

How To Empower Yourself In The Midst of Your Struggles

By  •  Culture, Life

Being human can be hard sometimes. We fight battles everyday whether that’s externally or internally. We taunt ourselves by ruminating on our failures and our weaknesses and we neglect ourselves …
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How to Boldly Respect Your Struggle
9 years ago

How to Boldly Respect Your Struggle

Stories are road-maps leading us to a destination that have yet to be uncovered. Our stories are our internal compass and without one we remain lost in the vastness of this …
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