

A Conscious Shopper’s Trifecta – Featuring Rose Ann Hall Designs
10 years ago

A Conscious Shopper’s Trifecta – Featuring Rose Ann Hall Designs

Editor’s Note: The Little Market joined Conscious Magazine to launch a column on Why Fair Trade Matters . This topic is important to The Little Market team because they …
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What We Can Learn From Young Changemakers: Don’t Give Up
10 years ago

What We Can Learn From Young Changemakers: Don’t Give Up

Over the past two months, our family has been interviewing young change-makers across the United States who are doing remarkable things to make the world better. Along …
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Education Doesn’t Only Happen in the Classroom
10 years ago

Education Doesn’t Only Happen in the Classroom

Editor’s Note: Read the Elephant Branded feature here to learn about their mission to support Education in Africa and Asia. 

In my last article, I mentioned the importance of education …
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His Voice Became The Thousands of Unheard People in Southeast Asia
10 years ago

His Voice Became The Thousands of Unheard People in Southeast Asia

Editor’s Note Conscious Magazine has teamed up with Kellie Kreiss, Co-Founder of Global Populace, to tell stories of impact that encourage an exchange of ideas. Find out more about Kellie …
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The Need for Quality Education as the Means of Protection and Prevention in Cambodia
10 years ago

The Need for Quality Education as the Means of Protection and Prevention in Cambodia

After the devastation of the Khmer Rouge in the 70’s followed by 13 years of civil war, Cambodia was left with ransacked schools, little resources, and a handful of qualified …
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Impact Network is Reinventing Education in Rural Africa
10 years ago

Impact Network is Reinventing Education in Rural Africa

Story Highlights

Interview with Reshma Patel, Executive Director at Impact Network – From Volunteer to Executive Director

Discover the culture, people, and community in …
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How Fair Trade Has Lifted People Out of Poverty // Part 1: Introduction
10 years ago

How Fair Trade Has Lifted People Out of Poverty // Part 1: Introduction


Editor’s Note: Conscious Magazine has teamed up with Amanda Judge from Faire Collection to learn how her journey in fair trade fashion has helped eradicate poverty. Find out more about …
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Raising Our Voices Against Domestic Violence
10 years ago

Raising Our Voices Against Domestic Violence

Image: Baxter & Co. Since 1987, October has served as Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Studies find that one in four women and one in seven men …
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Next Generation Solutions To Poverty: From Orphanage Homes To Social Businesses
10 years ago

Next Generation Solutions To Poverty: From Orphanage Homes To Social Businesses

Image:The Akola Project I am the Founder of the Akola Project, a non-profit social business that empowers women to elevate the well-being of their families and …
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Generosity Can Be Creative, Free, and It Can Build Community
10 years ago

Generosity Can Be Creative, Free, and It Can Build Community

Editor’s Note: Read the Matt Webb of One Year Road Trip interview here to learn about his family fulfilling a dream to travel the US and film a documentary …
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Lack of School Equipment For Children. If We Make a Change – They Get a Chance
10 years ago

Lack of School Equipment For Children. If We Make a Change – They Get a Chance

Editor’s Note: Read the Elephant Branded feature here to learn about their mission to support Education in Africa and Asia. 

Before you spend some time on this …
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Generation of Generosity: From Passion To Action
10 years ago

Generation of Generosity: From Passion To Action

Image: Oli-Bo-Bolly Dilly  Editor’s Note: Read the Matt Webb of One Year Road Trip interview here to learn about his family fulfilling a dream to travel the US and …
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National Blood Cancer Awareness Month | How You Can Help
10 years ago

National Blood Cancer Awareness Month | How You Can Help

Art by Baxter & Co.

Since 2010, September has officially been recognized as National Blood Cancer Awareness Month. The two most common types of Blood Cancer are …
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Project Linus Provides Security and Comfort to Children’s Cancer Center
10 years ago

Project Linus Provides Security and Comfort to Children’s Cancer Center

Images via Brad Zweerink/Daily Republic

As Peanuts gang member Linus Van Pelt once said, “This blanket is a necessity. It keeps me from cracking up…. Without it, …
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A Sneak-Peek Into the Generation of Generosity
10 years ago

A Sneak-Peek Into the Generation of Generosity

Image: Paper for Water Editor’s Note: Read the Matt Webb of One Year Road Trip interview here to learn about his family fulfilling a dream to travel the US …
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Orphans in Ukraine in a War Zone: How We Can Help
10 years ago

Orphans in Ukraine in a War Zone: How We Can Help

Photo by Novosti/Alexey Kudenko 

I was sitting in the Doctor’s office with my mother last week when the news broadcast in the room blared information on the crisis in …
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Downsizing Life: Having Less Is Having More
10 years ago

Downsizing Life: Having Less Is Having More

Editor’s Note: Read the Matt Webb of One Year Road Trip interview here to learn about his family fulfilling a dream to travel the US and film a documentary …
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Goonj Launches A Million Voices: A Global Campaign to Shun the Shame and Silence Around Female Health
10 years ago

Goonj Launches A Million Voices: A Global Campaign to Shun the Shame and Silence Around Female Health

World wide, whether it’s the developed or the developing world, menses or menarche, has been a word shrouded in a culture of shame and silence for countless …
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Living Under a Flyover: The Invisible Life of the Homeless in Mumbai
10 years ago

Living Under a Flyover: The Invisible Life of the Homeless in Mumbai

Under the broad flyover (overpass), connecting Chembur with Ghatkopar, is their home, an uneven ground strewn with pebbles, scattered with chicken feathers and trash. The …
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Bring Back Our Girls. Raising Awareness Through Art
10 years ago

Bring Back Our Girls. Raising Awareness Through Art

The day I heard about the kidnapping of the girls in Nigeria, I couldn’t sleep that night. I had such a heavy heart for all those girls …
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The Reality of Illiteracy in America is Alarming. One Teacher’s Mission to Not Give up on Kids
10 years ago

The Reality of Illiteracy in America is Alarming. One Teacher’s Mission to Not Give up on Kids

When an elementary school teacher with 40 years of service calls a brand new school program “the highlight of her career,” it’s time to sit up and …
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No One Thought Rwanda Would Survive
10 years ago

No One Thought Rwanda Would Survive

April 7, 2014, was the 20th anniversary of the day the Rwandan genocide officially began. Those next days 100 days in 1994 would be days far beyond …
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How Mobile Technology Can Help the World Water Crisis
10 years ago

How Mobile Technology Can Help the World Water Crisis

Around 6 to 8 million people die annually from the consequences of disasters and water-related diseases. Waterborne disease and lung infection are the leading causes of child deaths, which …
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46 million Americans Live in Poverty Every Day. Poverty Awareness Month
11 years ago

46 million Americans Live in Poverty Every Day. Poverty Awareness Month

It may not be noticeable to the naked eye, but if you take a closer look, you’ll soon learn that more than 46 million Americans live in poverty every …
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2014 National Human Trafficking Awareness Day
11 years ago

2014 National Human Trafficking Awareness Day

By  •  Culture, World

It’s 2014, and human trafficking and slavery is still thriving in all corners of the world. This problem, which is so mortifying and unjust, can unitedly be described as …
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