
Tips / How To’s

Looking Forward. Looking Up. Living Your Best Life.
6 years ago

Looking Forward. Looking Up. Living Your Best Life.

Why Wait?

Let’s be real. We know what we need to work on. It isn’t a mystery. For whatever reason, we have a ritual of waiting until January 1 to …
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3 Time-Management Practices of High-Achievers
6 years ago

3 Time-Management Practices of High-Achievers

Confession: I am Type-A. If that wasn’t already apparent through my choice to start a business selling productivity and organizational tools, then here is my full acknowledgment of it. I …
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How to Choose Goals That Motivate and Inspire Your Team
6 years ago

How to Choose Goals That Motivate and Inspire Your Team

Your task, being a team leader, is to keep everyone going and make the best out of every single workday. You work with various people, and there are so many …
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10 Ways Social Entrepreneurship Can Help You Self-Improve
6 years ago

10 Ways Social Entrepreneurship Can Help You Self-Improve

I don’t know that anyone starts a social enterprise hoping to improve themselves. I know I didn’t. Instead, I thought that I held so many of the answers; naively I …
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5 Words You Use Everyday That Are Hindering Your Success
6 years ago

5 Words You Use Everyday That Are Hindering Your Success

Intentions create reality. The power of the words in your intentions can influence the energy linked to the desire and hence the effect on them.

It is important to consciously …
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How To Effectively Leverage Your Voice For Social Causes
6 years ago

How To Effectively Leverage Your Voice For Social Causes

“But, I put it on Facebook!” How many times have we heard someone in real life share about the things they shared on Facebook or other social media platforms? While …
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What Does it Really Take to Work at a Nonprofit?
6 years ago

What Does it Really Take to Work at a Nonprofit?

What comes to mind when someone says they work in the nonprofit sector? For most people, this statement usually invokes images of a soft-spoken, serene office setting. Similar to telling …
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5 Ways to Manage Stress at Any Time
6 years ago

5 Ways to Manage Stress at Any Time

It does not matter if you do administration for a social enterprise or are a CEO and president of it all, work and purpose can often consume us. Because we …
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Why Having A Vision Is The Most Important Aspect Of Your Life
6 years ago

Why Having A Vision Is The Most Important Aspect Of Your Life

The million dollar question that we all asked ourselves at one time or the other is, why are we here? And where do we see ourselves in life? We all …
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3 Conscious Strategies for Dealing with Any Challenge
6 years ago

3 Conscious Strategies for Dealing with Any Challenge

Every day we are faced with little nuances that take us out of our joy and down into the oblivion of desperation and frustration. ´Why did this happen to me?!´, …
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Living Intentionally Creates Freedom Like You’ve Never Imagined
6 years ago

Living Intentionally Creates Freedom Like You’ve Never Imagined

At this time in history, more people are sleepwalking their way through life than ever before. There’s no denying that.

It’s easy to simply “go with the flow,” follow the …
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5 Ways To Effectively Reduce Overwhelm As A Busy Entrepreneur
6 years ago

5 Ways To Effectively Reduce Overwhelm As A Busy Entrepreneur

What a great brunch buffet and an entrepreneur To-Do list have in common? I know what you think- perhaps nothing! As an entrepreneur myself I can tell you that I …
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A Gentle Reminder: Your Social Enterprise Can Flourish Even When You Practice Self-Care
6 years ago

A Gentle Reminder: Your Social Enterprise Can Flourish Even When You Practice Self-Care

If you are like me, you feel guilty when reading another compelling article about self-care. I get it. Practicing self-care is great. I don’t think anyone thinks this is untrue. …
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Authenticity And The Modern Working Woman
6 years ago

Authenticity And The Modern Working Woman

Lean In was celebrated by many as the “silver-bullet” to the pressing issue of inequality in the workplace. At the same time, the book was also heavily criticized by scholars …
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5 Things You Should Know When Creating A Startup
6 years ago

5 Things You Should Know When Creating A Startup

Having prepared and planned your activities properly, you can save yourself from the most common mistakes. Here you will find a list of the most common mistakes making at …
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Do Yourself A Favor And Plan To Dream
6 years ago

Do Yourself A Favor And Plan To Dream

One notion that seems to be a universal truth is “what’s meant to be is meant to be.” In other words, your future and fate belong to a higher …
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Here Are The Best Podcasts To Get Into For The Social Entrepreneur
6 years ago

Here Are The Best Podcasts To Get Into For The Social Entrepreneur

Working as a social entrepreneur is hugely fulfilling – yet uniquely challenging. We’re sharing our favorite podcasts that speak to the social entrepreneur – everything from talking about balancing …
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How To Turn Distractions Into Progress
6 years ago

How To Turn Distractions Into Progress

Think inside the box.

We all heard the phrase uttered “think outside the box” used as a way of describing how we shouldn’t limit ourselves. It’s a great quote because …
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The Powerful Impact Of Emotional Intelligence In Your Life
6 years ago

The Powerful Impact Of Emotional Intelligence In Your Life

Becoming physically sober can be an emotional roller coaster. You start out determined to make it through rehab, then hopeful as you progress, then angry when you fail or sad …
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Building The Resilience Of A Social Entrepreneur
7 years ago

Building The Resilience Of A Social Entrepreneur

We’ve all had that moment when we’re witnessing the life of someone we look up to – whether a role model, celebrity or even a peer and we’re in awe …
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Why Self-Care Needs To Be A Priority For Social Entrepreneurs
7 years ago

Why Self-Care Needs To Be A Priority For Social Entrepreneurs

No one ever said entrepreneurship was easy.

Among other things, entrepreneurship requires a thick skin, a virtual immunity to rejection, long hours of planning, and lots of networking.

All this …
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How to Build An Advisory Council in 5 Steps
7 years ago

How to Build An Advisory Council in 5 Steps

An advisory council can be a fundamental asset to your organization. Think of your advisory council as your “dream team” of mentors. That’s what they do. They mentor you and …
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Reviving the Spirit of Giving, One Small Token at a Time
7 years ago

Reviving the Spirit of Giving, One Small Token at a Time

The holiday season has changed quite a bit over the last few decades. Our great-grandparents’ Decembers were pre-Amazon and pre-Black Friday—all about connecting with family and, most importantly, expressing love …
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Launching Your New Idea Begins With Being Present-Focused
7 years ago

Launching Your New Idea Begins With Being Present-Focused

About three months ago I dreamt up a new business idea. Internally, I recognized its importance and alignment with my goals. I let it sit untouched on the back …
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Learning to Say NO: An Entrepreneur’s Guide to Avoiding Burnout
7 years ago

Learning to Say NO: An Entrepreneur’s Guide to Avoiding Burnout

One of the greatest misconceptions amongst entrepreneurs and small business owners first striking out on their own, always seems to be that you must say “yes” to everything and everyone. …
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