
About Gema Ramirez

Gema Ramírez lives in Europe (Spain and UK). She is the founder of the Consciousness Academy where she offers develops GREAT Conscious Leader-Coaches who Coach and Lead for Greatness. The Academy´s aim is to support people to find more wellbeing, prosperity and happiness in their lives through Conscious Education. Gema offers training and coaching programs to businesses and corporate who want to support their employees to transform in their best version. Gema is a Certified Coach and Training Professional with extensive experience in the corporate world. Her vision is to contribute to build a world where everyone is Consciously leading their lives and contributing to the creation of a more empowered, happy, conscious and heart centered human being that solves the challenges that the world is facing today from the values of Love and Compassion.
Latest Posts | By Gema Ramirez
3 Conscious Habits to Achieve Your New Year’s Resolutions
6 years ago

3 Conscious Habits to Achieve Your New Year’s Resolutions

New year, new resolutions. We all know it too well, we start the year feeling on top of the world, we feel determined to start that diet, write that book, …
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5 Words You Use Everyday That Are Hindering Your Success
6 years ago

5 Words You Use Everyday That Are Hindering Your Success

Intentions create reality. The power of the words in your intentions can influence the energy linked to the desire and hence the effect on them.

It is important to consciously …
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3 Conscious Strategies for Dealing with Any Challenge
6 years ago

3 Conscious Strategies for Dealing with Any Challenge

Every day we are faced with little nuances that take us out of our joy and down into the oblivion of desperation and frustration. ´Why did this happen to me?!´, …
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