
About Zack Peter | @justplainzack

Zack Peter is a comedian, best-selling author of four books, and host of the weekly iTunes podcast, #NoFilter with Zack Peter. He is well known for his advocacy work for autism, inspired by his brother, Ethan (diagnosed in 2005) and his work with Generation Rescue. He was named one of 2009’s Teens that Inspire by The Examiner, awarded Outstanding Youth Volunteer by the Association of Fundraising Professionals, and twice nominated for the Hilarious Health Activist award by WEGO Health. He is currently producing the upcoming documentary, Sibling Warrior: Healing My Brother’s Autism.
Latest Posts | By Zack Peter | @justplainzack
5 Podcasts Every Changemaker Should Listen To
8 years ago

5 Podcasts Every Changemaker Should Listen To

So you want to be a changemaker? Well, you’re on the right website. One of the most important traits of being a successful changemaker is being a conscious one. If …
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Finding Your Purpose By Following Your Heart
8 years ago

Finding Your Purpose By Following Your Heart

I always knew I wanted to do good. In school, they teach you the most important thing is to do well. To get the grades, to make lots of friends, …
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Be A Success At Anything When You Practice These 5 Principles
9 years ago

Be A Success At Anything When You Practice These 5 Principles

I have probably failed more than I would like to admit. But I have also been very successful. In retrospect, looking at the times I have failed versus the time …
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Accepting and Overcoming My Brother’s Autism
10 years ago

Accepting and Overcoming My Brother’s Autism

When my brother Ethan was diagnosed with autism, I didn’t really know what to expect. I was about ten years old and at that age, …
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