Photo by Juliano Lucadamo

As I build my own dream of owning a clothing brand, I regularly seek the advice of those who have gone before me. Though most of the advice has proven true, I think the message can be simplified. Building a dream can be intimidating. The moment we decide to start, we begin to see how far we really have to go. So the question is, what do you need to do to build a dream? I believe there are three traits someone must harness to commit to the journey.

Your dream is worth it—here’s what it takes.

As you build a dream, there will be points along the way where you stop and decide, “I’m not there yet.” You may be tempted to conclude, “My idea is not great.” “My dream is not achievable” or “There is something wrong with me”. The mere fact that you haven’t reached your end goal doesn’t need to speak to those thoughts. Here is the truth about your dream: you must build it. You cannot whimsically chase it. It will not fall in your lap. Some days you will grow more, some days less, but it will include many days.

So, have you met your goal yet? Have you built your dream? If not, keep going.

Because our dreams require long term dedication, we risk finding ourselves lost, overwhelmed, and maybe even bored in the middle of the journey. As we build, our vision of this dream becomes less visible than before we began. Our vision is likely down the road, so building a dream requires frequent pauses to celebrate the small wins. Get excited when you see even the smallest payoff. Pause for a moment to feel proud of yourself, tell someone and smile over your success. These memories will be sustenance during your low days. Treat these small wins like they are the summit of your dream, and then get back to it.

We often overlook the power of kindness. In the intense, hustling Western world, it can seem like a nice thought if there is time, but a silly idea to prioritize. Actually, kindness may be one of the more important skills in building a dream that along the way, continues to be your dream and not a burdensome chore. When your body and your mind need rest, acknowledge and listen. When you make a mistake, show yourself grace. When a friend succeeds, celebrate with them. There is room for all of our dreams to come true. Nothing fuels a dream like support from friends.

Kindness towards yourself and others offers the soul nutrition to sustain for the long journey.

These qualities are simple but easy to push to the backburner. Fight the temptation to gloss over kindness in your journey, consistency over time and the celebration of small joys, and you will find yourself on your way to building your dream.

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