
Global Initiatives

Hank Fortener, Founder of AdoptTogether, on Why We Need #WorldAdoptionDay
7 years ago

Hank Fortener, Founder of AdoptTogether, on Why We Need #WorldAdoptionDay

From his earliest memory, Hank can remember always having room for one more person in his home.

His family fostered 36 children over the course of 7 years, with varying …
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How To Press On With Your Vision When People Around You Don’t Support You
7 years ago

How To Press On With Your Vision When People Around You Don’t Support You

I have always prided myself on my communication skills. A classic ENFP (anyone else love Myers-Briggs?), I am excited and can easily draw people into a vision or goal. So, …
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Why #MeToo Matters
7 years ago

Why #MeToo Matters

Over the last few days, women and men have flooded social media with the #MeToo hashtag, telling stories of their experiences of sexual harassment and assault. After news of Harry …
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7 years ago


Editor’s Note Conscious Magazine has teamed up with Kellie Kreiss, Co-Founder of Global Populace, to tell stories of impact that encourage an exchange of ideas. Find out more about Kellie …
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Epic Foundation: Creating A Movement Around Charitable Giving
7 years ago

Epic Foundation: Creating A Movement Around Charitable Giving

Over the years, WHo CAREs!? has identified several Chief Care Officers. Through their unique leadership skills, they create a healthier and a more caring environment. An environment that not only …
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Artificial Intelligence And The Age Of Empathy
7 years ago

Artificial Intelligence And The Age Of Empathy

Lately, AI has been the source of various articles and discussions. A new frontier, a new era, and a new industrial revolution have been dawning. Google’s chairman Eric Schmidt calls …
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2030 Now: Bringing Youth to the Conversation
7 years ago

2030 Now: Bringing Youth to the Conversation

“What type of world do you want to live in by the year 2030?”

September brought forth multiple events from the Social Good Summit, the Clinton Global Initiative to the …
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A Look At World Orphan Care in Ethiopia
7 years ago

A Look At World Orphan Care in Ethiopia

One of the hardest things in this world is reevaluating the way things have been done and accepting that they were done wrong.

One such issue is that of orphan …
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The Inconvenient Truth About Climate Change
7 years ago

The Inconvenient Truth About Climate Change

One of the most important and urgent topics currently talked about is a climate change. However, most people are still unaware of which human action is the most detrimental to …
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How Virtual Reality is the Power of Immersive Storytelling
7 years ago

How Virtual Reality is the Power of Immersive Storytelling

The line curled around the room and zigzagged several rounds outside. With curiosity getting the best of me, I wasn’t about to miss out on a chance to test out …
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The World’s Poorest Communities Dispel a Big Myth About the Environment
7 years ago

The World’s Poorest Communities Dispel a Big Myth About the Environment

In most ongoing conversations about the planet’s environmental issues, you’ll frequently hear the names of major actors: The United States Government, the Vatican, the oil industry, and the United Nations. …
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Stories Change Lives. Discover 5 Stories From Around the Globe That Will Make you Want to Do More
7 years ago

Stories Change Lives. Discover 5 Stories From Around the Globe That Will Make you Want to Do More

I have always loved stories. I believe that stories have the power to take us to another world, change our perspectives, and inspire action. This philosophy has become central to …
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The 4 Areas of Progress 4 Years after the Rana Plaza Factory Collapse
7 years ago

The 4 Areas of Progress 4 Years after the Rana Plaza Factory Collapse

It has been four years since the Rana Plaza Factory collapsed in Dhaka, Bangladesh, killing 1,134 people and injuring over 2,500 in one day. The world watched in horror as …
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Central American Youth Leading the Way in Sustainability
7 years ago

Central American Youth Leading the Way in Sustainability

Crime, gang violence, and narco-trafficking are well-known as being among the primary forces motivating Central American youth to risk everything to travel to the southern border of the United States. …
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Conscious Consumerism Leads to Water Conservation
7 years ago

Conscious Consumerism Leads to Water Conservation

In honor of World Water Day, recognized annually on March 22, and its 2017 theme of “Wastewater,” it is fitting to talk about one of the largest polluters of water …
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How One Nonprofit Is Aiding thousands Of Children Around The World
7 years ago

How One Nonprofit Is Aiding thousands Of Children Around The World

The goal of Assisting Children in Need (ACN) is simple: Help children make sense of a world often difficult to understand. Vice President Melissa Klein told me about ACN’s latest …
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The Kula Project On Why Listening Creates Powerful Opportunity For Farmers in Rwanda
8 years ago

The Kula Project On Why Listening Creates Powerful Opportunity For Farmers in Rwanda

“The reason I think poverty is still where it is is because we do not listen.” -Sarah Buchanan, Co-Founder of Kula Project

By definition, The Kula Project is a charity. …
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3 Ways We Can Be Freedom Fighters For Women Around the World
8 years ago

3 Ways We Can Be Freedom Fighters For Women Around the World

Modern day slavery, human trafficking, unfair working conditions and wages, these are all great offenses on one’s human rights. According to Equality Now, trafficking women and children for sexual exploitation …
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Empower Workers and Support Human Rights with your Thoughtful Purchases
8 years ago

Empower Workers and Support Human Rights with your Thoughtful Purchases

The way we spend our money speaks volumes about who we are and what kind of world we want to live in. How we use our money is profoundly …
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The Adventure Project—Revolutionizing Charity, One Entrepreneur At A Time
8 years ago

The Adventure Project—Revolutionizing Charity, One Entrepreneur At A Time

“I am no longer scrambling to provide for my family. I am proud to be a business-woman, farmer, and mother.” – Monika, a Farmer in Kenya of The Adventure Project

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Hunger is a Solvable Problem | Here’s How You Can Be Part of the Solution
8 years ago

Hunger is a Solvable Problem | Here’s How You Can Be Part of the Solution

End Hunger. It’s a bold statement. It’s so bold, that sometimes it doesn’t even feel real. Because most of us live in an environment where food is inches …
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You’ll Want to Check Out These 5 Excellent Mental Health Resources
8 years ago

You’ll Want to Check Out These 5 Excellent Mental Health Resources

Adolescence and early adulthood is tumultuous time for most of us. But research has shown that some LGBTQ youth are more likely than their heterosexual peers to experience violence in …
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How Millennials Have Changed the Fundraising Game (and How Nonprofits Can Keep Them Engaged)
8 years ago

How Millennials Have Changed the Fundraising Game (and How Nonprofits Can Keep Them Engaged)

The millions of young adults who make up the Millennial generation – the men and women born between the ‘80s and early’ ‘00s – are making their presence felt across …
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Social Good Roundup: Food Heroes to Drone Mapping for Refugee Relief
8 years ago

Social Good Roundup: Food Heroes to Drone Mapping for Refugee Relief

In this week’s social good roundup, discover how organizations are making an impact locally through food heroes to globally with drone mapping for refugee relief to digitally by utilizing social media in …
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Children’s Literature Promoting Global Citizenship
8 years ago

Children’s Literature Promoting Global Citizenship

The world’s future depends on our children’s ability to approach cultural differences with openness and curiosity, and to appreciate and embrace the beauty and intrigue of “otherness.” -Jaimie Scanlon, …
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