
Global Initiatives

Purposity—Connecting You to Real-Time and Urgent Needs in Your Community
4 years ago

Purposity—Connecting You to Real-Time and Urgent Needs in Your Community

One day it seemed okay, the next day, everything changed. The rapid shift in culture, due to the coronavirus pandemic, called for an even faster call to pause. However, needs …
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HYROX is for Every Body—But Why?
5 years ago

HYROX is for Every Body—But Why?

HYROX is a one-day fitness competition event that takes place in large arenas. It is a combination of 8 x 1k runs and 8 functional fitness exercises. Each competitor or …
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The Key Isn’t Empty Reward But Thoughtful Encouragement
5 years ago

The Key Isn’t Empty Reward But Thoughtful Encouragement

A lot of commentary about the educational system in America will focus on effort-based reward systems, which is a partial vestige of the highly controversial and derided “No Child Left …
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3 Ways To Build A Beautiful Global Movement
5 years ago

3 Ways To Build A Beautiful Global Movement

Waking up every day to a phone filled with news notifications that make your heart skip a beat in sadness, frustration, and anger is overwhelming. As much as it is …
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8 Brands Fighting Human Trafficking You Need to Know About
6 years ago

8 Brands Fighting Human Trafficking You Need to Know About

The sad truth is that human trafficking is all around us. It’s on the internet. In in our cities. And it’s even in our clothes, accessories, and home goods.

How …
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Giving Tuesday—20 Ways to Help Good Go Viral!
6 years ago

Giving Tuesday—20 Ways to Help Good Go Viral!

Giving Tuesday is all about global generosity and is a movement to create an international day of charitable giving at the beginning of the Christmas and holiday season. Giving Tuesday inspires …
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Holiday Conscious Gift Guide Curated by House of G&C
6 years ago

Holiday Conscious Gift Guide Curated by House of G&C

Creating a home for a global community of conversation changers to empower people everywhere offers quite the reason to celebrate. For Holiday 2018, we’re honored to curate a collection …
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Signs Of Domestic Violence And How To Help
6 years ago

Signs Of Domestic Violence And How To Help

On a typical day, there are more than 20,000 phone calls placed to domestic violence hotlines nationwide. (National Coalition Against Domestic Abuse).

According to The Joyful Heart Foundation, a domestic violence …
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How to Empower Teens Who Are Being Bullied
6 years ago

How to Empower Teens Who Are Being Bullied

Today’s youth have it rough! Too many succumb to the pressures of fitting in with established social mores that have been set as the “standard way of life.” Most …
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CONSCIOUS x WHO THEY ARE | Telling Stories of the Heroes of the Modern-Day Abolitionist Movement
6 years ago

CONSCIOUS x WHO THEY ARE | Telling Stories of the Heroes of the Modern-Day Abolitionist Movement

Conscious Magazine is excited to announce the official media partnership with Who They Are, to raise awareness of the efforts combating the global anti-Human Trafficking movement. Who They Are is …
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How To Effectively Leverage Your Voice For Social Causes
6 years ago

How To Effectively Leverage Your Voice For Social Causes

“But, I put it on Facebook!” How many times have we heard someone in real life share about the things they shared on Facebook or other social media platforms? While …
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Advocating for Stronger Voices In Developing Nations
6 years ago

Advocating for Stronger Voices In Developing Nations

Some days genuinely are overwhelming. We hear about disasters, we hear about starvation, we hear about tragedy and slavery and injustice. We can read books, watch documentaries and even take …
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Standing With Refugees: A Global Conversation About A Global Crisis
6 years ago

Standing With Refugees: A Global Conversation About A Global Crisis

“Refugees are people like anyone else, like you and me. They led ordinary lives before becoming displaced, and their biggest dream is to be able to live normally again. On …
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10 Great Ways To Start A Life Of Volunteerism
6 years ago

10 Great Ways To Start A Life Of Volunteerism

With each choice we make, we make our values known. If making your life about helping others and making positive change, it might seem like a challenge to get involved. …
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Breaking Bread: A Refugee’s Journey
6 years ago

Breaking Bread: A Refugee’s Journey

Since the dawn of earth, people have been in motion. The refugee crisis is now internationally recognized as the largest displacement crisis of our time. Since we are all part …
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Authenticity And The Modern Working Woman
6 years ago

Authenticity And The Modern Working Woman

Lean In was celebrated by many as the “silver-bullet” to the pressing issue of inequality in the workplace. At the same time, the book was also heavily criticized by scholars …
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Family: A Conscious Perspective Of Child Custody
6 years ago

Family: A Conscious Perspective Of Child Custody

There is no greater issue in a divorce case than child custody. Sole custody, joint custody, shared custody, split custody, are all labels created by our system to help define …
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What Does Breaking Up With Fast Fashion Have To Do With Women’s Empowerment? Everything.
6 years ago

What Does Breaking Up With Fast Fashion Have To Do With Women’s Empowerment? Everything.

I vividly remember my favorite denim jacket starting to fray, and my ironing on a Madonna patch. That’s what we did in the 1990s. Loved, repaired and personalized our fashion …
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7 Brands Fighting Human Trafficking You Need To Know About
6 years ago

7 Brands Fighting Human Trafficking You Need To Know About

The International Labour Organization estimates that there are 20.9 million victims of human trafficking globally. A staggering 26% of them are children, and 55% are women and girls. Although there …
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5 Nonprofits Fighting For Human Rights And How They Stand Up To Injustice
7 years ago

5 Nonprofits Fighting For Human Rights And How They Stand Up To Injustice

In the realm of Human Rights, endless nonprofit organizations can be found. With a variety of focuses in terms of violations and regions, how do we find the nonprofit entity …
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Reviving the Spirit of Giving, One Small Token at a Time
7 years ago

Reviving the Spirit of Giving, One Small Token at a Time

The holiday season has changed quite a bit over the last few decades. Our great-grandparents’ Decembers were pre-Amazon and pre-Black Friday—all about connecting with family and, most importantly, expressing love …
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Giving Tuesday: Holiday Gift Shopping While Serving The Greater Good
7 years ago

Giving Tuesday: Holiday Gift Shopping While Serving The Greater Good

The holiday gift giving season generally starts after Thanksgiving as we watch the advertisements offering the best deals on popular toys, electronics, furniture, clothing – you name it. Black Friday, …
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Woman Vs. Women: How Generational Divides Stand To Hinder Our March & #MeToo Progress
7 years ago

Woman Vs. Women: How Generational Divides Stand To Hinder Our March & #MeToo Progress

We’re in a very precarious time where blatant disregard and overt degradation towards women are being called to the carpet. A time where a spotlight is being shown on how …
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Gain A Deeper Understanding Of The Orphan Crisis
7 years ago

Gain A Deeper Understanding Of The Orphan Crisis

It was early on in my work in Haiti that we stumbled upon an orphanage. With a sheet of tin as the door and the “#7” spray painted on it, …
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Haiti Is Full Of Friendship. Our Week With Team i’m ME
7 years ago

Haiti Is Full Of Friendship. Our Week With Team i’m ME

As part of building Conscious Magazine, some of our lifelong goals are to serve alongside the amazing people we feature and join them in their mission work. ​This is what …
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