

Why Self-Care Needs To Be A Priority For Social Entrepreneurs
7 years ago

Why Self-Care Needs To Be A Priority For Social Entrepreneurs

No one ever said entrepreneurship was easy.

Among other things, entrepreneurship requires a thick skin, a virtual immunity to rejection, long hours of planning, and lots of networking.

All this …
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How to Build An Advisory Council in 5 Steps
7 years ago

How to Build An Advisory Council in 5 Steps

An advisory council can be a fundamental asset to your organization. Think of your advisory council as your “dream team” of mentors. That’s what they do. They mentor you and …
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Reviving the Spirit of Giving, One Small Token at a Time
7 years ago

Reviving the Spirit of Giving, One Small Token at a Time

The holiday season has changed quite a bit over the last few decades. Our great-grandparents’ Decembers were pre-Amazon and pre-Black Friday—all about connecting with family and, most importantly, expressing love …
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Launching Your New Idea Begins With Being Present-Focused
7 years ago

Launching Your New Idea Begins With Being Present-Focused

About three months ago I dreamt up a new business idea. Internally, I recognized its importance and alignment with my goals. I let it sit untouched on the back …
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Learning to Say NO: An Entrepreneur’s Guide to Avoiding Burnout
7 years ago

Learning to Say NO: An Entrepreneur’s Guide to Avoiding Burnout

One of the greatest misconceptions amongst entrepreneurs and small business owners first striking out on their own, always seems to be that you must say “yes” to everything and everyone. …
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Top 5 Ways Social Entrepreneurs Can Turn Networking Into Meaningful Relationships
7 years ago

Top 5 Ways Social Entrepreneurs Can Turn Networking Into Meaningful Relationships

You may already get the importance of networking and attending events or sending messages with the intention of connecting. However, networking is not about the original action, but about the …
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The Benefit Mindset—A Leadership Investment
7 years ago

The Benefit Mindset—A Leadership Investment

In what is being called a global movement, a growing community of like-minded organizations are using business as a force for good. Globally, there are now 1700 B-Corporations who are using …
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6 Ways to Apply Design Thinking to a World in Need
7 years ago

6 Ways to Apply Design Thinking to a World in Need

Anchal believes that design can change lives. We embrace design thinking to create innovative and strategic solutions that address the exploitation of women through employment opportunities, products, and markets that …
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Go After Your Dream Boldly
7 years ago

Go After Your Dream Boldly

I bet when you considered starting your dream that your heart skipped a beat or you took a giant gulp in anticipation of everything that goes along with commencing …
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8 Socially Conscious Accelerators For Your Startup
7 years ago

8 Socially Conscious Accelerators For Your Startup

Your idea is solid. You may already have a website, product or service, customers or even revenue. You’re still in the startup phase, and you’re ready for the next step.

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5 Podcasts Every Changemaker Should Listen To
8 years ago

5 Podcasts Every Changemaker Should Listen To

So you want to be a changemaker? Well, you’re on the right website. One of the most important traits of being a successful changemaker is being a conscious one. If …
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Legal Minute: Here’s What You Need To Know When Naming Your Business
8 years ago

Legal Minute: Here’s What You Need To Know When Naming Your Business

The name of your business is one of the most important decisions you will make as a business owner— after all, it is the foundation of your brand. Read this …
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8 Pieces Of Advice From A Successful Entrepreneur
8 years ago

8 Pieces Of Advice From A Successful Entrepreneur

Chicago Ideas week is an innovative festival designed to gather minds from around the city for one common goal: sharing ideas. This festival is 7 full days of labs, talks …
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How Millennials Have Changed the Fundraising Game (and How Nonprofits Can Keep Them Engaged)
8 years ago

How Millennials Have Changed the Fundraising Game (and How Nonprofits Can Keep Them Engaged)

The millions of young adults who make up the Millennial generation – the men and women born between the ‘80s and early’ ‘00s – are making their presence felt across …
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Legal Minute: Talking All Things Copyright Protection
8 years ago

Legal Minute: Talking All Things Copyright Protection

Copyrights…you’ve heard it before. You’ve probably even seen that mysterious © symbol countless times. But what is Copyright law and why should you care? Let us briefly take you through …
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New Business Challenges: LLC or a Corporation?
8 years ago

New Business Challenges: LLC or a Corporation?

Choosing between an LLC and a Corporation for your new business can be a daunting decision. It is always best to consult with an attorney to discuss your concerns and …
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You’ve Got A World Changing Idea…Now What About Forming A Corporation
8 years ago

You’ve Got A World Changing Idea…Now What About Forming A Corporation

Ok, so you’ve decided on forming a corporation, great! Read on to learn more about the different types of corporations available to you.

Upon creation, a corporation is a distinct …
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Transformative Community Involvement: What it Means, What it Takes, What it Gives
8 years ago

Transformative Community Involvement: What it Means, What it Takes, What it Gives

Business and societal challenges are becoming increasingly bigger and way too complex to be addressed by traditional, transactional approaches to community involvement. Although any form of philanthropy is inherently …
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Driving Stronger Collective Impact through the New Cycle of CSR
8 years ago

Driving Stronger Collective Impact through the New Cycle of CSR

In the eyes of American consumers today, a company’s values are as important as its products and services. According to research from Cone and Duke University, 79% of consumers would switch from …
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17 Lessons We Learn From Gandhi on How to Lead an Effective Social Enterprise
8 years ago

17 Lessons We Learn From Gandhi on How to Lead an Effective Social Enterprise

Gandhi is one of the best examples of a social entrepreneur, believe it or not. While most people know him for his community organizing work, he built his reputation on …
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The Certification That is Going to Revolutionize Conscious Consumerism
8 years ago

The Certification That is Going to Revolutionize Conscious Consumerism

These days, conscious consumerism is gaining more and more traction. We increasingly care about how our products are made, who is making them, and under what conditions employees are living …
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How To Reconnect With Your Intuition When You Face Doubt
8 years ago

How To Reconnect With Your Intuition When You Face Doubt

Entrepreneur or not, most of us desire to pursue exciting and promising projects. When pursuing such projects, we naturally desire the confidence that we‛re moving in the right direction because …
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Using Mindfulness To Get You Through Your Journey
8 years ago

Using Mindfulness To Get You Through Your Journey

I come from a past tainted by depression, anxiety and self-injury; and the most common questions I have been asked are “how did I journey into hope and healing?” and …
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Cause Marketing Partnerships Are Changing the Way We Do Good
8 years ago

Cause Marketing Partnerships Are Changing the Way We Do Good

This April I attended the invitation-only event “New Frontier of Brands That Do – Do Good,” hosted by Ogilvy PR and Good Scout Group bringing together brand leaders to discuss corporate responsibility trends …
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An Introduction To Raising Money For Your Startup
8 years ago

An Introduction To Raising Money For Your Startup

Small businesses may piece together funding from several different sources—such as bank loans, friends and family, or equity investors. Read this article to learn more about financing options available for …
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