Reflective Moments: Rethinking How We Approach Innovation
4 years ago

Reflective Moments: Rethinking How We Approach Innovation

I had just finished a birthday’ sunrise meditation’ in Laguna Beach, California. Laguna Beach, California, at sunrise on an early January morning is just as you can imagine: It is …
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Winning On Two Fronts – Health And Economy
4 years ago

Winning On Two Fronts – Health And Economy

In the battle with COVID-19, we all feel a tension between our concerns for Public Health and our concerns for the Economy. We can’t afford to have this battle on two fronts …
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It begins with a shift. A mindset shift.
4 years ago

It begins with a shift. A mindset shift.

It begins with a shift. A mindset shift.

What a year it’s been. The seemingly endless challenge, yet tremendous personal growth and transformation. Me? I spent four months quarantined in …
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Podcast: New Venture Launch in a COVID-19 World
4 years ago

Podcast: New Venture Launch in a COVID-19 World

At Conscious, we believe the future isn’t just a place you will go; it’s a place you will invent. As part of our newly launched conversation series, we talk …
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Are You Ready for Possibilities and Potential?
4 years ago

Are You Ready for Possibilities and Potential?

Due to the pandemic, a significant shift occurred where many worldwide experienced loss. Whether it was the loss of a loved one, a job, finances, a relationship, or even the …
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‘City So Real’ Film Review: A Great City, Survival, and Fighting a Pandemic
4 years ago

‘City So Real’ Film Review: A Great City, Survival, and Fighting a Pandemic

The election is Tuesday, and this documentary series may provide insight into what’s happening in our country.

Chicago is a city of contrasts. You can find it in arguments about …
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The Human Experience and COVID
4 years ago

The Human Experience and COVID

“It had the effect of a spell, taking her out of the ordinary relations with humanity, and inclosing her in a sphere by herself.” -Scarlett Letter

My son and husband …
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5 Ways to Stop Avoiding Painful Feelings
4 years ago

5 Ways to Stop Avoiding Painful Feelings

Let’s start with why we run away from painful feelings. It’s because they hurt! The last thing we need, especially with a busy lifestyle, is to interrupt our day with …
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