London’s Voices—Brilliance Beyond Brexit
3 years ago

London’s Voices—Brilliance Beyond Brexit

Life after Brexit has officially started. We did not anticipate that the historical exit would be met with a global pandemic. And Covid 19 does not have any notions of …
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As the Coronavirus Pandemic Raged, Life Changed. For Some, it was a Metamorphosis
3 years ago

As the Coronavirus Pandemic Raged, Life Changed. For Some, it was a Metamorphosis

In 2021, we ventured into this new decade that I like to call the caring twenties. Hopefully, this decade should allow us to marry the compassion of the mind and …
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Human Rights—Can We Establish the Caring Twenties?
3 years ago

Human Rights—Can We Establish the Caring Twenties?

Our contemporary rights have many critical historical antecedents, including the Cyrus Cylinder, the Magna Carta (1215), the English Bill of Rights (1689), the French Declaration on the Rights of Man …
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Resources: Forward Momentum—Taking Big Steps Towards Global Recovery
3 years ago

Resources: Forward Momentum—Taking Big Steps Towards Global Recovery

Created by the team behind Who Cares Chronicles, a platform that provides insights into Corporate Social Responsibility, the Forward Momentum report is designed to spawn a rich conversation while …
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COVID Anniversary and a Year of Transformation
3 years ago

COVID Anniversary and a Year of Transformation

March 14 marked the one-year anniversary that my daughter Havana and I went into COVID lockdown, and a little over a year since COVID-19 officially became a pandemic.

What a …
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Podcast: Combating Mental Health Issues During a Pandemic Year
3 years ago

Podcast: Combating Mental Health Issues During a Pandemic Year

In this episode titled “Combating Mental Health Issues During a Pandemic Year” of Conscious Conversations, we talk with Dan Palacios on ways to combat mental health through movement. With the …
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On the Edge of Superdiversity
3 years ago

On the Edge of Superdiversity

Diversity discussions took center stage in 2020.

The article below, initially a speech, I presented in 2015 to discuss diversity during a UNGA event in New York.

I thought it …
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How to Transform Resistance into Self Mastery
4 years ago

How to Transform Resistance into Self Mastery

I am not a morning person. I love to slowly wake up and lounge about in the warm covers of my bed. Maybe I do some writing or drink some …
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