
Women’s Rights

Human Rights—Can We Establish the Caring Twenties?
3 years ago

Human Rights—Can We Establish the Caring Twenties?

Our contemporary rights have many critical historical antecedents, including the Cyrus Cylinder, the Magna Carta (1215), the English Bill of Rights (1689), the French Declaration on the Rights of Man …
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8 Brands Fighting Human Trafficking You Need to Know About
6 years ago

8 Brands Fighting Human Trafficking You Need to Know About

The sad truth is that human trafficking is all around us. It’s on the internet. In in our cities. And it’s even in our clothes, accessories, and home goods.

How …
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Signs Of Domestic Violence And How To Help
6 years ago

Signs Of Domestic Violence And How To Help

On a typical day, there are more than 20,000 phone calls placed to domestic violence hotlines nationwide. (National Coalition Against Domestic Abuse).

According to The Joyful Heart Foundation, a domestic violence …
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Advocating for Stronger Voices In Developing Nations
6 years ago

Advocating for Stronger Voices In Developing Nations

Some days genuinely are overwhelming. We hear about disasters, we hear about starvation, we hear about tragedy and slavery and injustice. We can read books, watch documentaries and even take …
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5 Nonprofits Fighting For Human Rights And How They Stand Up To Injustice
7 years ago

5 Nonprofits Fighting For Human Rights And How They Stand Up To Injustice

In the realm of Human Rights, endless nonprofit organizations can be found. With a variety of focuses in terms of violations and regions, how do we find the nonprofit entity …
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Woman Vs. Women: How Generational Divides Stand To Hinder Our March & #MeToo Progress
7 years ago

Woman Vs. Women: How Generational Divides Stand To Hinder Our March & #MeToo Progress

We’re in a very precarious time where blatant disregard and overt degradation towards women are being called to the carpet. A time where a spotlight is being shown on how …
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Why #MeToo Matters
7 years ago

Why #MeToo Matters

Over the last few days, women and men have flooded social media with the #MeToo hashtag, telling stories of their experiences of sexual harassment and assault. After news of Harry …
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3 Ways We Can Be Freedom Fighters For Women Around the World
8 years ago

3 Ways We Can Be Freedom Fighters For Women Around the World

Modern day slavery, human trafficking, unfair working conditions and wages, these are all great offenses on one’s human rights. According to Equality Now, trafficking women and children for sexual exploitation …
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Women Everywhere Took to Twitter to Share Stories of Childhood Sexual Harassment
8 years ago

Women Everywhere Took to Twitter to Share Stories of Childhood Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment has many faces. Sometimes it’s a catcall, sometimes it’s an inappropriate comment or look made by an older male, or sometimes it’s unwelcomed or forced touching. Whatever shape …
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International Women’s Day: Pledge For Parity Worldwide
8 years ago

International Women’s Day: Pledge For Parity Worldwide

She wept. “Live or die, you will marry him, she says.”

In one sentence, Mahira* became the face of a circumstance I only knew in theory. She told of her …
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Changing The Way We Visualize The Syrian Refugee Crisis
8 years ago

Changing The Way We Visualize The Syrian Refugee Crisis

There are over 4 million refugees (and counting) who have left ‪Syria since the beginning of the war. For many of us, the only context we get to understand the …
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How To Help Fight Against Human Trafficking, Our Century’s Greatest Injustice
8 years ago

How To Help Fight Against Human Trafficking, Our Century’s Greatest Injustice

It is a daunting issue. It is a current issue. It is an issue that is not going away on its own. Human Trafficking affects millions of people and sadly, …
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Want to Help Decrease Sexual Assault on College Campuses? Here’s How.
9 years ago

Want to Help Decrease Sexual Assault on College Campuses? Here’s How.

I can’t tell you how many times in college we were given the advice, “don’t put your drink down.” From mace to color changing nail polish, it is ingrained in …
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Women in Front: New Technology Unites Women Leaders To Solve Issues Together
9 years ago

Women in Front: New Technology Unites Women Leaders To Solve Issues Together

The intersection of technology and social good is a powerful combination. Over the past few years, technology has been a catalyst used to widen influence and understanding by easily connecting …
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Defining Feminism For What It Really Is
9 years ago

Defining Feminism For What It Really Is

Malala Yousafzai winning the Nobel Peace Prize. Jennifer Lawrence questioning why she makes less money than her male co-stars. Super Bowl Ads such as #LikeAGirl, and GoldieBlox. George and Amal Clooney jokes

It’s …
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The Story That Will Make You Understand The Crisis and Courage in Congo
9 years ago

The Story That Will Make You Understand The Crisis and Courage in Congo

I lay on a foam mattress, draped by a thin blanket and a mosquito net, wondering if I should move my bed away from the window. Gunshots and screams continued …
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Tackling Gender Barriers to Access Education
9 years ago

Tackling Gender Barriers to Access Education

The Clinton Global Initiative is an annual gathering of leaders that build partnerships between businesses, NGOs, governments and individuals to make commitments to transform and advance communities. This year, Clinton …
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