C.S. Lewis once wrote, “You all know that security is mortals’ greatest enemy.” Everywhere we look, we can see complacency in America. Everyone likes the feeling of comfort. However, we must not let our complacency overshadow our ability to generate change. Instead of standing by and watching the world’s real problems grow, we must do something to create change. All of us must be “all in.” Conscious Magazine, Issue 01
I like to take a certain approach to life; feeling nervous is essential to life. Once I start to feel too comfortable doing something, then I realize that something must change. Many people feel that security is a good thing. As we learn from Lewis’ quote, security is a good thing only to an extent. We should not let this security hinder change. Change and creativity are essential to the progression of life.
Instead of focusing on what we want to change in the world, most humans focus on what the world gives them. We let the world change us; we do not let ourselves change the world. So what interests are winning over the popularity? Just think about what you did last weekend. For many, this includes watching sports, going to the movies, catching up on the latest fashions, or just being caught up in our own issues. Individually, these activities are not limitations; however, they become limits to our potential once we allow them to take over our whole being. Just go on Twitter during a sports game, and you will see thousands upon thousands of tweets about the plays the team should have done or what a player did wrong. We should focus this same determination in making our favorite sports team get the win into helping the world. The problem is not only our complacent nature, but also our lack of education about the huge problems facing the world. We must learn about these troubles, such as poverty, violence against women, scarcity of clean water, and lack of education, but learning is not enough. We must allow these problems to shape our very being in the same way we allow our own personal problems and the “world norms” to shape our lives and every decision we make.
We are the solution. We must know why we are doing what we are doing. Why do we tweet thousands of times about what a certain sports player should have done when we could tweet about solutions to problems all humans face in this world? We have the opportunity to reach out to the public on social media. We must put love and respect into action. We must empower others. We must create solutions and protect the future. Instead of being caught up in our own issues, we must start focusing on world issues. It is essential that we start focusing on others. Discuss a book, relax at your favorite café, remove your headphones, and help someone. Go put words into action!
Photo: Prixel Creative