5 Tips for Professionals Who Want For-Profit Jobs With A Commitment to Positive Change
Daniela Luibrand, CEO & Founder of JustBetter obs, shares her insight and tips with young professionals seeking to connect with for-profit companies. JustBetterJobs is the only job board that lists positions with companies that are ethical, sustainable, environmental or just plain positive. Their mission is to connect skilled and passionate professionals with for-profit companies that share their commitment to positive change. You will find vacancies in different job fields as diverse as marketing, design, sales, production or IT. It is not about Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) roles, because the companies that work with JustBetterJobs have sustainable and ethical values at their heart.
Daniela´s Tips for Young Professionals looking to land a job that shares a commitment to positive change:
01 | Twitter
You can follow @JustBetterJobs on Twitter for the latest ethical job vacancies. Using Twitter is also an effective way to connect directly with companies. Many companies tweet their vacancies and/or re-tweet the jobs post by JustBetterJobs.
02 | Online Presence
Having your own website is useful so employers could learn more from what they read on the cover letter. Also, a cover letter itself can be done in a creative way. It is all about standing out.
03 | Be Personable
It can even be a good idea to just pop by at a company’s office (especially if it’s a smaller one) to say hello and let them know that you are interested in working for them. A quick informal chat can make a big difference and you never know what it can lead to.
04 | Be Yourself
Several companies JustBetterJobs works with have told stated that they really want to know why a candidate applies for the role and why he/she wants to make a difference.
05 | Just ask
Take the leap and just ask, especially if a company has not advertised any vacancies. Send your future employer an email, connect on LinkedIn, tweet to them, and tell them what you can do and what you want!
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