When Stress Levels Begin Peaking—Remember to Take it One Day at a Time.
We're 100% certain that everything is still uncertain, and the best way to move forward is to take it one day at a time.

Photo by Daniel Rademeyer
I don’t know about you, but it seems like every day there is some piece of information about COVID-19 that feels like we’re still unraveling instead of resolving. The second wave will come! Will we even have a summer? Unemployment spikes again. Domestic violence is increasing. Individuals with depression and anxiety are struggling to cope. People are protesting without masks.
As I’ve shared in personal conversations and I’ll share with you–everyone is handling this situation differently, and our response to all of it, a solution, should be in the form on love.
Here’s what I know. We’re 100% certain that everything is still uncertain, and the best way to move forward is to take it one day at a time. Do what you do best, focus on your calling, focus on your mission, support those in need, act with kindness, continue staying safe, and use the time wisely to pursue your purpose.
Strong week ahead, team! Love and light.
—Rachael and Team C.
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