Over the next few months, we will continue to expand our content to achieve the largest reach, influence, and impact. We also want you to feel included in this process, and encourage you to always feel free to share your input on our feedback page.

The few months leading up to the launch party of Conscious Magazine (formerly called Lifestyle + Charity Magazine) – our team felt the immense pressure of rebuilding / rebranding our startup. When we told people about the rebrand, most were excited and some thought we were crazy for taking this leap. We understood “crazy” because in reality, the rebrand could force us to take a few steps back in our process to move forward. But, you know when something is really right? That is how we felt, and we ran with it.

There were moments of uncertainties, big changes causing big stresses, unexpected occurrences, feelings of anxiety, and the list goes on. We were challenged, not only emotionally, but physically. No matter what the circumstance, we pushed forward. Why? Team Conscious is on a mission, and anyone who is on a mission understands the task at hand is a difficult one. When you have a sense of urgency to help others and when you have a deep sensitivity for the world, your heart physically starts racing and all you can do is care anxiously. You are allowing yourself to love, but it’s what you do with that love and care that makes you different. All of this emotion and energy was the driving force behind the newly launched Conscious Magazine.

O U R   S T O R Y
With our desire to change the world came the discovery of the “what” and the “how to” make that happen. Really, what could we offer? We found a problem, and then, we presented our solution. After years of seeing empty media share anything to everything – we wanted to be different; we wanted to produce purposeful media. We set out to tell stories that highlighted real human interactions and human dignity. We created Conscious Magazine to engage culture, build community, and introduce a new conversation – one that talks about local and global concerns. Conscious is on more than a magazine, it is a mission, and this is only our starting point. We’ll start small, and we’ll dream big. Curious about what that mission is? Read more of our story and our mission.

T H E   R E L A U N C H  /  R E B R A N D
Just to give you some context, Conscious has been in the making for three years now under its former name Lifestyle + Charity. During that time, we experimented with many ideas finding out what worked and what did not work. In that time, we were able to build countless relationships with individuals in all industries connected by one common denominator – the desire to seek and do something about local and global change. We never lost touch with our foundation of wanting to make a difference in the world, but we found a way to improve our efforts. Along the way, and after the Fall 2012 release of our 150 page digital magazine (which featured conscious culture from fashion, food, art, film, people, and more), we discovered something new about our brand – and we evolved.

With the Fall 2012 magazine release, we tagged ourselves as “Your Source for Conscious Culture, ” as you can see this tagline was instrumental in our relaunch / rebrand. With the new rebrand came a new approach. Today, we just want to have a conversation with you by first introducing the topic – culture, people, and community that make a difference.

W H A T ‘ S   N E X T ?
We’re making our focus on real human interactions and human dignity. We invite you to participate with us by building this story alongside of Team Conscious.

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There are more things to come with Conscious Magazine, as we literally just got started. Don’t lose touch, get all of the updates when you sign-up for the newsletter.