
Image by T. Irwin via UNHCR 

This month, Conscious is celebrating Freedom. But it is too often that Americans forget or overlook the momentous occasion that took place in 1776 that allowed us to enjoy such simple freedoms. With other nations currently fighting for what we have enjoyed for over 200 years, I want to encourage you to take a moment this month to recognize, contemplate, and appreciate the freedoms you currently enjoy.

“My God!  How little do my countrymen know what precious blessings they are in possession of, and which no other people on earth enjoy!”  – Thomas Jefferson

With technology today, we have been given an opportunity by the UN Refugee Agency and ACW to virtually experience the difficult and time sensitive questions and scenarios that a refugee faces each and every day. They have developed an app called My Life As A Refugee (available for iOS and Android OS). Download the app and look through the eyes of Merita, Paulo, or Amika – characters in the story facing difficult questions guided by you with the corresponding result appearing on your mobile device. These decisions can result in life or death for these refugees, and 8 people every minutes are faced with these decisions regarding war, terror, and persecution.

As I select from the choices available in each difficult scenario (some with timed decisions), it was truly humbling and heartbreaking to see the resulting situations of my decisions. It made me appreciate the freedom that I have in America, and it makes me want to continue to fight to make a difference for those who do not enjoy freedom and are forced to face these decisions in their everyday lives.

L E A R N +  C O N N E C T
UNHCR, the UN refugee agency, protects and assists those who have fled violence, persecution or terror. Established in 1951, it has helped tens of millions of displaced people to rebuild their lives and twice won the Nobel Peace Prize. With a staff of more than 7,000 in over 125 countries, it is working to safeguard the rights and needs of 35.4 million people worldwide. (Source)
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