5 Reasons Why You Want To Visit the Conscious “Pop Up” Shop
We are kicking of our our week with some hefty Conscious Shop planning as get ready for our pop up shop this weekend in NYC! The countdown is on, and so here are our
top 5 reasons why you should be there.
NO 1 | Global brands that give back!
Pick up a few spring accessories and do good for the world. You’ll be making a difference as you support local to global social businesses.
NO 2 | Hang out with awesome people.
Take a day off to make time for a few new hellos and laughs. We all need this after a long work week.
NO 3 | Backyard access aka the “Conscious Lounge”
Stop in during our public hours and chill with your favorite magazine and cup of coffee / tea. Seriously, bring friends and have a “Day Out”.
NO | 4 Come to our first NYC party!
Yes, there will be music, drinks, late night shopping, and lots of cool do-gooders from in and around the neighborhood.
NO 5 | Make new friends.
We know making “good friends” in a big city like New York City can be hard at times. This is the central place where like-minded individuals can connect. So, when you come, the first question you ask after “what’s your name” is “what inspires you?”
Visit us this weekend at the Conscious Shop!