Inspire the Fire: Igniting youth through creativity
Creativity and performance is the heartbeat of the human experience. We thrive on feeding our minds with knowledge and feeding our souls with art. Inspire the Fire, a non-profit organization based in North Carolina, utilizes the human need for art by inspiring local youth to get involved in singing, dancing and acting.
Recently featured on the hit-competition show America’s Got Talent, this performing arts troupe travels the country to spread its positive message of faith and fun through the arts. The talented kids that make Inspire the Fire so amazing are between the ages of 10 through 21. According to the Inspire the Fire website, they allow such a wide range of ages because, “Statistically, this age range has been more likely to engage in juvenile crimes.” The purpose of the Inspire the Fire program is to raise awareness as well as nurture the amazing talents of young people, not necessarily to create professional artists and to keep them active and away from destructive behavior and activities.
The Inspire the Fire (ITF) dance troupe talents are put on display at The X-perience, a week-long summertime event in downtown Charlotte, NC. For one week, ITF inspires youth through team building exercises, allowing aspiring dancers, singers, rappers, and technicians to work closely with industry professionals to hone their craft and culminates with a large performance highlighting youth talents. This event has led many youths towards a more positive path.
Singing and dancing isn’t all they do. Inspire the Fire provides their youths with programs to help others, as well as themselves. Their volunteer program helps develop a sense of awareness and oneness within their local community. Through their Project: Ignite program, the inspired youth participate in a number of community service activities. Through visiting nursing homes, hospitals, homeless shelters and even volunteering with local day care centers, they use their gift of the arts to inspire love and to spread happiness where its needed most.
Not only does the program develop their artistic skills, but it also ensures a positive self-development within each youth. Their Soulfood program lends a nurturing hand to a youth’s well being. The youth can converse with ITF counselors about personal conflicts and victories. The website says, “As an organization we are concerned with the holistic well-being of the individual. We strive to provide programming that aids in the development of sound emotional, spiritual and cognitive development.” Through games and meaningful discussion, they allow their youths to participate in an open discourse centering on life’s toughest questions.
The Inspire the Fire program has allowed local North Carolina youth to express themselves through the performing arts and open discussion which nurtures their self-confidence. Through helpful donations and positive volunteers, ITF can continue spreading its message of faith and fun through the performing arts.
Learn more about Inspire the Fire.
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