
About Carol Hurst

Carol Hurst is originally from St. Louis, Missouri­. Her professional career has focused on Fortune 500 marketing, but now, is happy to represent the thousands of baby­boomers while she shift careers and seek out ways to give back to the world while pursuing my passion for traveling. What she enjoys most about traveling is seeing how people­ live, their beliefs and (especially since she owns a spice store) what they eat and how the food is prepared. Carol is currently involved in grass roots projects for Muskoka Foundation and One Dream Foundation, which seeks to increase the number of enrolled female children in Zambian schools.
Latest Posts | By Carol Hurst
Teaching Photography to Tweens on the Navajo Reservation
9 years ago

Teaching Photography to Tweens on the Navajo Reservation

It sets up like a movie….”a Greyhound bus pulls up to a stop at the edge of a small town… a dry, treeless land on a warm summer night. Tumbleweeds …
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You Hold The Key To Bringing Quality Education To Children
9 years ago

You Hold The Key To Bringing Quality Education To Children

You hold the key to bringing quality education to hundreds of children and adults in the palm of your hand with little more than a common thumb drive or phone …
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